Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Brave New Circus" At Alternatives On Sunday

CircEsteem & The Chicago Youth Circus dare you to come see a Brave New Circus. Inspired by Aldous Huxley, this first ever youth created, directed, and produced circus show addresses ideas of individuality and subverting the dominant paradigm. These lessons are taught by a clown who stumbles through a perfectly ordered world and creates chaos. 

Circus acts include high skilled club juggling, gym wheel, trapeze, trampoline, and acrobatics and are presented by the CircusTeens. These young performers are part of CircEsteem's youth employment in the arts program that hires the most talented and skilled teen performers and teachers. Collectively, they have performed thousands of shows throughout the United States, Germany, Austria, and Argentina and include a Junior World Champion on the Gym Wheel.

Don't miss this great opportunity to support local, grassroots, social circus in action.  Sunday, February 28th at 4pm, at Alternatives Inc. (4730 N Sheridan).  Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for kids.  For more info, please contact CircEsteem at 312-731-HAHA or visit

1 comment:

  1. I highly recommend these performances. It is amazing what the kids can do!! I recall a young man about 12 years old at one performance. He was very talented and he just beamed with the pride that comes from knowing he was really, really good at something. It was such a joy to witness. Its called CircESTEEM for good reason!!!

    Sometimes people ask about neighborhood programs to support. In my opinion, this is one not to leave off your list.
