"On Sunday night, around 9:30 PM, I saw four guys outside a condo building on the 4600 block of Winthrop, trying to break into the door that leads to the garage. One guy held a flashlight on the door, another one was tampering with the lock, while the other two were standing look out. I startled them, but kept walking my dog and acted like nothing happened. When I got around the corner to Kenmore, I called 911 and the police arrived within 2 minutes. I pointed the officer in the direction of the door, but when we got there, all four men had already dispersed. The officer then left to scour the neighborhood to see if they could find the men.
I got a call back and they asked if one was in a camouflage jacket. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember. It all happened so quickly and I just wanted to get the heck out of the situation when I saw it happening, I couldn't confirm. I told them everything I could remember, but not sure if they were able to do anything. I am writing to you, UU, to maybe help others in the future. If I could go back in time, I would have paid closer attention to what the men were wearing and what they looked like."
Note from UU: We encourage all Uptown residents to call 911 if they see this type of activity, but readers should not put themselves at risk of any potential danger. Any information you provide to the police will help. We also encourage our readers to attend CAPS meetings. The meeting for this beat is held tonight at 7 PM at the Inspiration Cafe Engagement Center at 4715 N Sheridan. The "Upcoming Uptown Events" calendar on the right-hand sidebar maintains information about all of the local CAPS meetings for those outside of Beat 2312.
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