Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Call To Action: Dangerous Fence

We urge all readers to call 311 to report a dangerous condition at 4751 North Winthrop.  The fence at the parking lot has been like this for several weeks and it's just a matter of time until someone gets seriously hurt, particularly since the sidewalk there is a big ice patch.  A pedestrian could literally lose an eye here, and we dread thinking about what might happen if a child runs past who isn't looking, or if a blind person tries to navigate the slippery sidewalk.  When you call 311, be sure to tell the operator it's a "dangerous and hazardous condition." 

While you're at it, you might want to mention 1063 W. Lawrence, another dangerous portion of the same fence, which has remained that way for a couple of years (at least).

Update:  The owner wrote to say that he called the fence company 2-1/2 weeks ago and that the fence will be fixed by the end of the day.  He also says he had it roped off but people complained that was too dangerous that way.  He also says that he has had the fence has been pulled back and tethered three times, but it's been pulled out towards the sidewalk by dogwalkers who want easy access to the lot to walk their dogs there.  He asks people to not trespass and to pick up after their dogs.


  1. Why would you want to sic the cops on the landowner? That's cold. The owner must have enough trouble sleeping because of the tremendous negligence liability that is likely to come if someone does get hurt. Keep the law out of it.

  2. "Why would you want to sic the cops on the landowner?"

    311 - City services and violations
    911 - Cops

    Somehow I don't think the landowner is losing much sleep, since the dangerous fence on the Lawrence side of the lot has been like that since at least 2008.

  3. We know the owner. Assuming the worst and skipping past him isn't much of a community-building move. Extend the courtesy and call on him. I'll swing by his office later this morning and ask him to repair the fence.

  4. Suzanne, if you know who the owner is, great. I've noticed that if it's convenient to own the lot, someone claims to. If it's not, "no one" owns it. (Same thing with problem buildings on Clifton, incidentally.)

    I don't feel much of an obligation to "community build" with an owner who leaves an incredibly dangerous situtation untouched for weeks, especially if the owner is who you think and lives right across the street from it.

    I lost all patience with the fence that leans out into the pedestrian sidewalk on Lawrence, and has remained unsafe for a few years now.

    If simple consideration for the neighbors doesn't move someone to get something fixed, perhaps a ticket and a deadline from the city will.

    BTW, the sidewalks across the street, on Winthrop, were unpassable because the snowplows clearing THAT lot dumped all the snow on the sidewalks.

    In any case, thank you for stopping by and trying to get it fixed. Appreciate it.

  5. You should haven to tell the owner to fix the fence the Alderman should be on top of it.

    It's a code violation as well.

    I say cut the Chicago Alderman number down to 15 you don't need 50 today with technology.
