Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Zoning Change Request For Recently Built Condos (Huh?)

A few readers sent in a rezoning notice they received regarding 4648-4650 N Winthrop.  (Click on the image for a full-size copy). 

Ald. Shiller is requesting rezoning from RT4 Residential Two-flat, Townhouse Multi-Unit District to B2-1.5 Neighborhood Mixed-use District.  The property mentioned is a recently built condo/townhome building.

Anyone know what that might mean for the property?  A couple readers mentioned they tried contact Ald. Shiller's office for details, but it had closed early due to it being a holiday week.


  1. Senior housing perhaps? Who owns this building?

  2. I talked to a unit owner in the building, and she asked me to pass along that it's something that the homeowners asked the alderman for assistance with, to solve a longstanding problem. Nothing will be changing with the building, and it will remain residences only.

  3. In that case, kudos to the alderman for helping out the homeowners.

  4. Did the homeowner mention what the longstanding problem was? Well, that's good news...

  5. Interesting. Shiller's office had no clue what the request was for when I stopped in today. Glad to hear that it is something helpful for the unit owners.

  6. Stash, she did, but asked that I post only what I did. Basically something that the developer didn't take care of when the building was built which had caused them a lot of problems since. Nothing very interesting, to be honest.

  7. It should be public knowledge why they asked for the zoning change.

    Zoning changes are public so do tell the full story.

  8. Ummmmm.... no, A.

    It *is* public knowledge, so feel free to go to the public hearing to find out all about it.

    I'm not ratting out anything a friend told me in confidence. It's pretty boring - crossing the t's and dotting the i's that didn't happen when the building was developed - certainly not worth the intrigue. Same sort of thing happened with my building when it was new; I imagine most new owners have to do similar mopping up.

  9. I question the validity of the zoning change too. A change from a RT4 to a B2-1.5 is a Residential Zoning to a Business Zoning. What business do they plan on putting into that building?

    Managed Senior Housing or more low income housing?

  10. Just as a FYI, here are the differences:

    RT4: 3 Flat, Townhouses

    B2-1.5: Mixed Use - allows all residential - use at intersections & on low traffic & low volume streets

  11. Geez, so freaking dramatic. Makes me regret going out of my way to talk to my friend and try to post something useful and reassuring.

    What part of "Nothing will be changing with the building and it will remain residence only" - from someone who owns and lives there - is hard to understand?

    If it were my information to post, I'd do it, just to shut down the imaginary intrigue you want to manufacture.

    But it's not mine to post. If you're so convinced, despite what the people who actually own the condo units say, that it's going to be magically turned into low-income or senior housing, then you'll just have to show up at the hearing to find out all the boring details.

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I'm done with this. Show up at the hearing if you want more information.

  12. I live in the building. No changes. No senior housing, no low income housing. We've just been trying to resolve a developer issue with the city for 3 years now, and the Alderman was able to help us with the rezoning; she was the only one out there that could help us, and she did it. The whole association is very grateful for the Alderman's assistance. It's just fixing a bunch of red tape when a building is shoe-horned into a dead end alley. Nothing's changing. I've volunteered for James Cappelman in the last election, so it's no vote farm, either. And yes, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  13. TrumanSquareNabr... Just to let you know .. I have head "Nothing will be changing" story before.. look at what Shiller did to us.. and the Wilson Yard... I dont believe a single word they would say.. there is no reason to change the zoning from Residential to Business
