"This is going to seem like an odd post, but it keeps happening and I can't think of another way to do something about it.
I live on the south end of the 4700 block of Kenmore and I walk my dogs multiple times a day on my street. For the past month or more I've noticed a pattern of someone leaving multiple, large hunks of cooked meat on the bone in the grass in front of 4721-4725 N. Kenmore. They seem to be ribs and t-bones, although I'm not a meat eater so I can't be certain. There are definitely large bones with cooked meat scraps on them.
It seems to me that these have to be coming from someone who lives in the area because they keep ending up in the same place and they are the same kind of food. I don't know if someone thinks they are doing a good thing by leaving treats for neighborhood animals/dogs, but it's disgusting and needs to stop. I'm sure it is attracting all kinds of vermin (rats, raccoons, birds, maggots, etc.) and it's not safe for dogs either. The bones are cooked so they will splinter and puncture any animal that has a strong enough jaw to break them and they sit out there for days rotting."
i've seen this too and had to rip them from my pup's mouth :(
ReplyDeleteDefinitely be careful. A couple of years ago, someone in Rogers Park left scraps like these laced with poison which ended up killing some dogs that ate them. This could be from a dog hater.
ReplyDeleteGreat. Not only do we have to worry about people in the neighborhood packin' heat, now we also have to worry about them packin' meat!
ReplyDeleteWhoever is doing this is going to get caught. If you witness someone doing this call 911 and say that you want to sign a complaint. It's littering. Tell the call taker exactly what is being tossed on the ground so they don't think you are calling about a candy wrapper or beer can.
I have no idea where this falls in terms of a priority call for a police officer to respond. I'm guessing it is not very high considering other things going in in the area. However, simply by having it on record that someone witnessed an offender and was willing to sign a complaint should be enough to scare the pants off the culprit.
"Great. Not only do we have to worry about people in the neighborhood packin' heat, now we also have to worry about them packin' meat!"
ReplyDeleteThere are so many things wrong with this statement, but I leae it alone, this is a family site....
DO NOT LET YOUR DOG EAT THEM. I've read countless incidents in which curmudgeonly, dog-hating neighbors laced meat with antifreeze or rat poison to kill dogs.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if the moderator would add that to the original post. Don't want any sick puppies in the 'hood.
I would encourage whomever may witness someone littering like this to talk to the person littering. Talk to in a non-judgemental manner, do not angrily confront. Leaving scraps of meat lying around is a bit different than tossing a food wrapper carelessly to the ground. Maybe ask them why they are doing this. Could be someone with mental illness with a goofy idea of trying to do something nice for the neighborhood critters, or it could be someone up to no good. If it is the later, they probably don't want anyone to see them in the act and confronting them in a non-judgemental way might be enough to scare them off.
ReplyDeletethis happened in the alley between sunnyside and agatite, just off hazel last weekend.
ReplyDeleteThis is a disturbing situation. I would be inclined to think of a way to monitor the area and catch the individual who is doing this.
ReplyDeleteIs there any way someone could bag up the meat and have some kind of lab (maybe uic or somewhere)to see if it is indeed laced? Sadly I would guess it is but aside from doing a neighborhood watch on a consistent basis, I just don't know how to find the person and make it stop. Has anyone noticed any dead animals in the vicinity of these areas?
ReplyDeleteThis is so gross!
ReplyDeleteI'm dodging on a regular basis in my alley, loaded diapers, Popeye's boxes, broken Bud bottles and sometimes drunken bums, but 'cow parts' near the sidewalk?? Good grief.
The 'Low' setting on Uptown's barometer keeps getting lower.