Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mugging At Knifepoint Near 5000 Marine

A reader writes in with the following account:
"Thought you might be interested in this. (I just discovered your website/blog on the internet) I witnessed a mugging/robbery this week (Thursday) at knifepoint at 5000 N. Marine, 7am in the morning. Two young men got this guys wallet and briefcase/napsack. I was walking my dog. I was stunned as was the victim: at knifepoint and in broad daylight. In light of the muggings around Lincoln Park/Lakeview I guess Uptown can now be added to the list of young men getting robbed and beat. This is the notice I put up at the bus stop on Marine and Argyle and also posted in my building The Aquatania"

A man was robbed at knifepoint, in broad daylight in front of OUR building this morning around 7am. Right in front of the 5000 Marine Drive entrance! There were two young men involved. One stood watch while the other took care of business.

Thieves got his wallet, knapsack and left him shaken and waiting for police. They ran south on Marine and headed toward Buttercup Park.

PLEASE BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS WHEN WALKING TO AND FROM. Especially if you are walking alone. Who is around you!? Who is near you!?

Cross the street if you have to. Avoid any possible altercation. You must go out of your way to remain safe.

Luckily, the guy had his keys in his pocket along with his cell phone so he could call for help.

PLEASE be careful if you are listening to your iPod or wear headphones on when walking.

And, if anything feels or looks suspicious, it probably IS, CALL 911 immediately!!!

Sadly, records show that this type of crime, and the ease in which they were able to accomplish it, might be repeated since this is now “a place” where you can get away with it.



  1. Very SAD!! Robbed in daylight? I believe these are the same guys who have been robbing people at knifepoint around the northside area.

  2. 1) Have a clean criminal record
    2) Complete a mandatory safety class
    3) Have a background check done
    4) Have a mandatory waiting period

    Institute the above items and allow me to have a concealed carry permit.

    Then see if I ever get held up at knife-point.

  3. Confused, I couldn't agree more. But you know what will happen when someone shoots one of these criminal animals, the victim will be vilified by the appeasers.

  4. Confused, you're assuming that you can see one of these criminals coming up on you and have time to draw your weapon. And what happens if you miss and they take your wallet AND your gun? Now there's yet another illegal weapon on the streets. Or if you shoot one and his buddies retaliate by taking out THEIR guns?

    I'm not saying a gun absolutely would not help. I'm just saying don't assume you're going to win a gunfight just because you're in the right.

  5. GLI, it would be my decision to make, not yours. And I'm willing to bet you I have better aim than a hood with a knife/gun. I refuse to be a sheep amongst wolves.

    IHM, maybe. Let's see how it plays out in New York with the store owner that took out those four would-be robbers.

  6. That New York story is going to be one to watch. That store owner did have a shotgun in his store. He says he bought it 20 years ago, but this was the first time he had ever used it.

    The next day a local came to lay a candle next to his store where two of the would be robbers had died from their wounds. The owner who fired the shotgun kicked the candles away.

    You might see an awfully vocal debate about public safety, the right to bear arms, and what shifting police resources can and cannot do as we develop urban law enforcement policy going forward.

  7. "GLI, it would be my decision to make, not yours."

    And where in my post did I ORDER you not to are yourself? Take a breath, we're all in the same boat here.

  8. No, you did not order me to not arm myself. My response was to:

    "... what happens if you miss and they take your wallet AND your gun?"


    "... you shoot one and his buddies retaliate by taking out THEIR guns?"

    Then I live with my decision.

    But I think it should be legal to be allowed to make that decision if my life is being threatened, and live with the consequences.

  9. "Sadly, records show that this type of crime, and the ease in which they were able to accomplish it, might be repeated since this is now “a place” where you can get away with it."

    Isn't this statement a bit of a stretch? What "records" are referred to here? I live in one of the buildings immediately south of this one, so this certainly concerns me, but I have to think most crimes like this are crimes of opportunity and not an organized attempt to find "a place". I'll certainly be keeping my eyes and ears a little more open for a while though...

  10. @Confused...

    I completely agree with your 4 step process to carry concealed in the city of Chicago. I hope and pray city leadership see it fit to grant everyone that constitutionally guaranteed right.

    Whoever runs against Daley with a pro 2nd amendment platform shall have my vote.

  11. this also happened at ravenswood and foster and jewel on broadway
