Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Aldermen Respond To Residents' Safety Concerns

Regarding the crime issues in the Winthrop/Winona area:

"We're looking to have the meeting for Winthrop residents and owners next Wednesday the 19th at 5:00 p.m. here at the ward office. We will have representatives from Woodland (CHA), Stuart Miller (developer/owner of 5054 N Winthrop), and CAPS. If this is the meeting time, can we get representatives from the block/block club to attend? Please pass this on to anyone else on the block.

Thank you, Dana Fritz, 48th Ward Aldermanic Aide, Public Safety"

Regarding the Lakeview attacks:

"My office has received a number of calls from concerned constituents about the two most recent attacks that took place early this morning. We have had ongoing safety issues in the Belmont-Sheffield Area for years and have been working closely with the police to mitigate the problems and build solutions. It is my belief that we have the resources to handle the issues of loitering, prostitution, drug dealing and more recently robberies, however sufficient resources are not on the street during the midnight shift when these crimes are being committed.

[...] My office will continue to work with police, CAPS and residents. We are setting up additional Safety Seminars and CAPS meetings to address these issues and we have been on several late-night walks with police and residents - as recently as last Friday’s midnight walk. Information is also regularly updated on our website at and through our e-news blasts to the community.

I am committed to doing all I can to address these issues and am confident that working together with the community, businesses, police and CAPS we can improve safety in this area.

Sincerely, Alderman Tom Tunney, 44th Ward"

"LVCC [Lakeview Citizens Council] is sponsoring a personal safety forum with the Chicago Police Department, Alderman Tunney and Alderman Waguespack. Come to this forum to get tips on how to protect yourself and not be a victim of crime. Tuesday August 25, 2009, St. Luke's Auditorium, 1500 W. Belmont, 7-9 p.m."

Compare and Contrast with the response in the 46th Ward:

"That you play it over and over again and make a big thing about it as though there isn't a [police] response, or somehow that is representative of every evil there is, stuff happens. We have a very big city with a lot of activity going on,... and none of us exists on an island. We've had a very good response by the police, and I think we will continue to do so. It's just a small group of people trying to get me out of office." Ald. Helen Shiller, 46th Ward. (Chicago Tribune)


  1. I am curious if someone can find out which of these Alderman in the surrounding wards endorsed Helen in the last election... and if they can be asked now if they are happy with that decision...a.k.a. Tom Tunney...

  2. This is a great compilation and comparison!

    It really demonstrates what a responsible Alderman who DOES THIER JOB and responds to their constituents acts like.

    Shiller's actions (and lack of action) are so utterly offensive. She is a disgusting person. I have never seen a public official - even in Chicago - behave is such a vile manner.

    Let's keep the heat on her!!!

  3. Do Shiller's failing get any more clear than this?


    Shiller has misinterpreted our intentions.

    We're not trying to kick her out of her office.

    We're trying to kick her back into her office so she can do her d*mned job.

  4. Does anyone know if she is back from vacation yet? Must be nice to be on vacation every time a crisis happens in the ward, wish I could do that at my job. Maybe we should have our own meeting with the police commander and ask what her plans are, since she and Helen "Are in close contact on a daily basis," even when Helen is on "Vacation." It would be nice to know what it is they talk about.

  5. How dare her say its a small group of residents that want her out of office. Everyone I talk to says she is not doing her job when it come to making our ward safe and healthy. The only supporters I seen where the ones drinking and sleeping on the sidewalks and the ones out there trying to rob you..

  6. 2024's beat meeting is TONIGHT 7pm at Margate Park. I suggest everyone attends and keep the pressure on reguarding gang violence in Uptown

  7. I sent an email to the commander I hope she gets back to me. I asked about the "Daily contact" Helen reports she has with her, even when on vacation like last week.

  8. This is stunning. I asked the question on another thread what alderman can do to help with policing in their ward's and this is another great example of how important it is to reach out to the taxpaying residents of your ward. It's not like the 46th is a hotbed of development and action like Tunney's ward--Helen's got no excuse for dropping the ball on this.

  9. Since Shiller has a scheduler, is there a way to get Shiller's schedule via the FOIA?

  10. Anything any public official does concerning their non-private activity should be subject to FOIA (I'm pretty sure that includes IL).

    First step would be to contact the alderman's office and request a copy of her public schedule.

    The President's schedule is posted on a daily basis.

    Any decent politician would be making their schedule available, daily.

  11. That's pretty strong stuff when you read it back to back. It's not even a fact of her sounding like an idiot anymore, it's just plain pathetic. That we (Chicago citizens) are paying her 100K+ a year, plus expenses, to spew crap like that out of her mouth. A Sophomore in high school could come up with something better than "...stuff happens..." wow, that's all I can say.

    I would love to know what Tunney and Smith say behind closed doors about her. I would be EMBARRASSED to even remotely reference her as a "colleague."

    They need to start putting some pressure on her as well.

  12. "Stuff happens."

    That's what Donald Rumsfeld said when the Iraqi's started looting and pillaging their own country.

    "Freedom's untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things," Rumsfeld said. "They're also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And that's what's going to happen here."

    Who knew Rummy and Helen were on the same page?

  13. Even after knowing about the relative lack of compassion and involvement that our Alderman shows to many of her constituents, it is still striking to see everything in such stark contrast.

    Helen, it appears that you have become defined by the traits of personal aggrandizement and self-imposed-martyrdom wrapped in a poorly constructed veil of rhetoric.

  14. This woman is out of her mind! What alternate universe does she live in? There is more than a small group of people concerned about the crime in Uptown. While most of us want her out of office (as she should have been able to see from the last election where she just scraped by), it is only because she is ignoring the concerns of the citizens she represents.

    Is there a job description/requirements for alderman? If so, is she meeting those requirements?

    She is just pissed off because more and more citizens are asking her to step up to the plate and do what she is elected to do - represent the constituents and what they want for the ward they live in. She needs to realize she is not a dictator and that her personal agenda is the one to be fulfilled, it is the citizens of Uptown and what we want!

    I wish I could find a part-time job that earned me over a 100k a year where I could do anything I wanted and not expect to be scrutinized for my decisions.

  15. I love that on her website that in her "issues" link, public safety is not even on there! What the hell is her problem? We need to get her out of office and get someone in there that can do or want to do the job and someone who DOES view this as an issue!


  16. Dana at Alderman Smith's office has worked closely with the blockclub of which I am the President. If we have a bad building he is more than willing to do what I call "coming to the Principals office." I and he will call the landlord, the police and commander and all parties involved. Then the landlord walks in and its pretty intimidating. It a proactive and usually productive meeting.
