Equal Opportunity!

Just to show that it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, there are still plenty of washrooms on Clifton. The street might just as well have this symbol posted at its intersections. What a mess! (We don't even want to imagine how it must smell in this heat wave.)
Oh, come on. Everyone is doing it: http://yeeeah.com/2009/08/11/pictures-of-jamie-pressley-peeing-in-public/
ReplyDeleteI wonder if there's a Youtube video of Candice peeing on the street?
ReplyDeleteI can never tell if Candice is going tongue in cheek, or if she really approves of public urination.
ReplyDeletei think this woman is one of the prostitutes that hangs out on the corner of leland and winthrop. in addition to whatever she's picking up during those "activities" ... she didn't even wipe :-P eew.
ReplyDeleteI was riding home last night past the McDonalds at Wilson and Sheridan. There was a guy, I'd say in his late 20's...well dressed...
ReplyDeleteHe unzipped in the alley just north of Wilson right across from the McDonalds Drive-up window...and relieved himself. Has public urination become acceptable, and I missed the memo?
Isn't the fab alderwoman proposing more Clifton-like alleys per her request for more TIF money? I was always taught to not walk in alleys... Why would you ever want to make alleys where access to places are on them? It's clear the Clifton alley is a disaster so let's hope Uptown doesn't get anymore of these alleys.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's the lazyhazycrazydayzofsummer, and some people have WAY too much time on their hands! There are some good movies you could check out this week - make some productive use of your vacation! (I recommend "Julie & Julia.")
ReplyDeletenmf, it's not an alley but I understand it's clearly treated as one. However, no one should be peeing in alleys either.
ReplyDeleteCandice you say everyone is doing it. I don`t but maybe you do since you stick up for the Uptown pee people. ...
ReplyDeleteI have seen the exact same thing numerous times right on Leland near Broadway in the middle of the day, and that's quite a busy intersection. Apparently some of Uptown's finest think Leland has the same public toilets that Clifton does.
ReplyDeleteAccording to today's headlines of various entertainment web sites, Ms. Pressley is denying those rumors. Truth will out, people!
ReplyDeleteLike I said before, turn off the YouTube trash and seek out some worthwhile entertainment! (Which this week apparently does NOT include the Cubs!)
I saw a guy peeing yesterday at 5:30 right in front of the Pegasus Players entrance at Truman College. Just disgusting!