Monday, July 27, 2009

"Our Wicked Neighborhood"

A reader sends in the following account from Sunday afternoon:
My neighbor, a Chicago police officer, was driving down Montrose around 3 pm on Sunday afternoon when they witnessed several young African American males shooting at another African American teen on Kenmore and Montrose.

They followed the gunmen running down Montrose then north on Clifton. The males escaped through the open gangway at 4428 N. Clifton. This gate is always open and has been broken for months. It's become a busy spot for smoking pot and hanging out on the secluded back porches.
Numerous calls to Metroplex have failed to fix this problem.

The police officer called 911 and filed a report. While the officers were out filing the report, Pamela Barton, came out to rant at the officers. Ms. Barton lives across the street in the CCDC building at 4429 N. Clifton. She screamed profanities at the police officers as they did their job. She later returned to shoot more profanities at the police officer who made the call. Remember Ms. Barton from the earlier posts on UU after the earlier shooting on Sunnyside.

A group of teenage boys, one who lives at 4428 N. Clifton (V of P) building were all on their phones minutes after the gunfire exchange. After the police officers left, the teens walked down the alley past the officer who had filed the report. One of the males started screaming at the police officer, "This is our neighborhood. This is our wicked neighborhood. If you don't like what's going on then move."


  1. wow i don't see why anyone would be upset for a police officer filing a report after witnessing a shooting?! completely nonsensical. this is not a video game. this is reality. and people live around you. you can't shoot guns in the middle of the street at your rivals.

  2. "you can't shoot guns in the middle of the street at your rivals."

    In our neighborhood people can, and apparently do so frequently.

    Something clearly needs to be done about management at that building.

  3. Wicked? Are they referring to the musical? If that's the case I'm sure everyone knows who has the staring role as the witch.

  4. Some people live in the peace and quiet of surrounding "non-wicked" neighborhoods, while helping keep the neighborhoods where they work "wicked".

  5. Pam is one of the beast's paid consultants. Wonder what topics she consults?
    She is the same one who called an officer a "Dyke" at a CAPS meeting
    How many of her kids have been shot/killed/convicted?

  6. Anyone else hear the gunshots on Magnolia, just south of Wilson last night (early Monday morning) around 12:45 AM?

    Probably part of the same group of punks -- they made their way south toward Sunnyside/Montrose after the shooting.

    I called 911, but not sure that the cops ever came to check things out. Alas.

  7. Gee, wonder where these 'kids' heard the phrase, 'don't like it here, move?' Right out of the Shiller playbook!

  8. No real need to quote people that stupid. Their words are meaningless.

  9. Maybe copwatch got all this on video.

    Hear me Ron?

  10. Didn't hear the gunshots on Wilson and Magnolia, but saw the shell casings in the middle of the street on my way to the train this morning. Shouldn't this have been captured on the camera there?

    Regarding "Our Wicked Neighborhood", I have personally called 311 on numerous occasions about the Clifton problems. It has gotten a lot worse this year from what I have seen.

  11. This area is known by gangs as WICKED CITY. This is the reason they may have said "This is our neighborhood. This is our wicked neighborhood. If you don't like what's going on then move."

    However my question is what is the significance in mentioning this below

    "A group of teenage boys, one who lives at 4428 N. Clifton (V of P) building were all on their phones minutes after the gunfire exchange."

    Okay and I'm pretty sure many of other neighbors were on the phone after this happened as well. This is just an act of gossiping, so should this teenage boy's home address be exposed simply because he was on his cell phone moments after the gunfire? I'm pretty sure the person who wrote this post made and received some calls regarding this matter as well. So what exactly does this mean?

  12. @JLVALUEPLAYER I do not think that camera works as of now since it is not flashing blue. However, I may be wrong.

  13. Just part of the collateral damage of building a ward full of your "constituents". No matter if the area is unsafe and crime is running long as she keeps her people in the area to reelect her when voting time comes around. Right Helen? The scared tax payers that pay your bloated salary and question your idiotic TIF "plans" will just have to live here and keep paying for your services.

    I think your game is just about up. It will take us years to clean up the mess you have created. But hopefully it will be done while your sitting behind bars watching it happen.

  14. To EL - Yes, I heard 7 gun shots last night. I live near Wilson and Racine. It woke me up and had wondered if that was really what I heard =-/

  15. camera is not workng.
    shell casings. wouldn't it have been a good idea if the police would have gotten them?

  16. Ferrell Yes it has been told to me numerous times by Shiller and staff. I called today to voice my opinion at her ward leadership. Why she allows the gangs to rule the streets and turn them into the killing fields. I was told if I did not like this ward I should move to one that would make me happy. I said we will see who moves when election time rolls around!!!!!!!

  17. There were 6 shots fired Friday night around 10:00 p.m. at Clarendon & Windsor. Across the street from the park. That was right below my balcony. I say 'was' because I am now living in the comfort of a nice wooded community outside the city as of yesterday. It's so quiet and peaceful. Does a body good. Will be checking in with UU for old neighborhood news.
    Be Safe People..

  18. Let's face I have long suspected Shiller is involved with the gangs in Uptown.

  19. This definitely involved the Latin Kings, because they were hanging out around Stockton planning some kind of response around 4pm. As such, I couldn't take my kids to the playground there. Apparently Helen thinks that is just fine. Sometimes the kids have to stay inside when the gangs are having a dispute. If you want to live in a neighborhood where you can go to the park on Sunday, you gotta move somewhere else.

  20. The guard at McDonalds on Wilson told me that there was a free for all last Fri. about 4 in the afternoon. They were using baseball bats, golf clubs, and throwing garbage cans. What is going on around here??? Nobody wants to live with this mess, rich nor poor.

  21. Perhaps the officer should have tweeted...

  22. I recently walked by Montrose and Clifton after a walk to Jewel, minding my own business, when four of our most upstanding young gangbangers told me to "s*** my d***". At first, I was proud to live in Uptown because of the diversity and history, and the fact I didn't need to deal with the pretentions of the Trixies/Chads and hipsters.

    Now, I'm from Baltimore, I know the Wire, I'm a street-smart and realistic person who teaches on a bad part of the South Side. I've seen it all. But these days I can't walk to the gym, to the El, or the park without fearing for my safety because of the ignorance of the alderwoman, the lack of home training on certain blocks, and the blatant disregard for the welfare of the 46th Ward constituents, no matter what race or income level. It's disgusting and sad.

  23. The shell casings were still on the ground?

    Tell me this is just made up. Does the CPD collect evidence at a crime scene or not?

  24. Living on Malden for 16 some years, I can see the needle on the gauge go radioactive, as you head East. I honestly can't imagine life on Magnolia, near Sunnyside. It is an oasis of questionable activity for sure.

  25. This type of activity needs to change in Uptown.... the bad guys need to know that this is our neighborhood, not theirs.

  26. Its post like this that make me glad my lease is up and I am moving out of this ghetto. Why doesn't everyone just call Helen's office say tomorrow when it first opens to express their discuss at letting these events continue. You know bog down their phones, piss off their staff for hearing the same thing over and over, then when they are rude to you make sure you record your conversation and send it into the news agencies. Then for good measure lets do it again 2 days later.

    If we have to live in such an unsafe neighborhood, why not make her office an annoying hell to work in.

  27. The least Shiller could do is use some of her TIF funds to buy us all bullet-proof vests :)

    Don't know about you, but I've got a dog to walk. And if I carry a gun, I'm the bad guy. Thugs! Isn't the glorification and cool of "gangsta" like so nineties?
