Monday, June 29, 2009

Post Pride Parade

CBS2 reports someone rained on the parade: An Uptown neighborhood man is due in court Monday morning on charges that he attacked crowds after Chicago's Gay Pride Parade. Lawrence Perea, 29, of the 4200 block of North Sheridan Road, is charged with reckless conduct, police said. Perea was charged with using an oversized squirt gun to spray and soak partygoers on North Halsted Street with an unidentified green substance. [...] Perea's activity was causing people to panic, according to police who said it was not known what the substance was. Read more here.
While, on a more positive note, Lake Effect News has an article and an awesome slideshow of photos of the parade and events.


  1. Holy bad dates Batman! I met and hung out with this guy last weekend at Minibar. He was plesant enough, if a bit intoxicated. He gave me his number; now I'm glad I didn't call him!

  2. He loves his ped spray gun.
