Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fix Wilson Yard To File Amended Complaint

From the Chi-Town Daily News:

Wilson Yard foes continue court fight
BY ADESHINA O. EMMANUEL JR. / Staff Writer, June 16, 2009 1:43 PM

Lawyers for an Uptown community group say they will continue their battle against construction of the Wilson Yard development despite the dismissal of a lawsuit aimed at halting the project. The group, Fix Wilson Yard, sued the city in December. Their lawyer, Thomas Ramsdell, appeared in court last week, and secured permission from Judge Mary Rochford to file an amended complaint next month.

Though opponents of the development are still finalizing their legal strategy, Ramsdell says the new filing is likely to argue that the project has unlawfully strayed from the city's original development plan. Read the entire story here.

Photo courtesy of Macsurak at Flickr.


  1. No, stop. It's a waste of time and money. What are they doing to do? Tear it down? It's going to be there for 100 years, admit it.

  2. I wonder if Marcus has been to ANY of the FWY meetings? If he believes the only option is to tear it down, then he is clearly in the dark.

  3. "What are they doing to do? Tear it down?"

    Sure! Why should a bad project be exist just because it got built fast? Bad precedent: "Hey, we have a stinker of an idea, a money pit, possibly illegal, certainly immoral, but gee, let's build it quick and that's reason enough to let it stand?"

    Shades of illegally ripping apart Meigs Field in the middle of the night.

    Some *daleyshillerholsten* believe the ends justify the means. I don't.

    Better to let the site rot into dust than to negatively impact Uptown for the foreseeable future.

    Better yet, let a real developer take over and make it financially viable. Turn the property taxes that are going into the TIF back to the schools, firefighters and cops, which are underfunded because of the giant $450,000 per unit give-no-income-back-to-the-community cash cow that sits at Montrose and Broadway. Send Peter Holsten back to Hinsdale and vote Helen out of office.

  4. For some for the goal of the Fix Wilson Yard lawsuit has been to remove and/or raze the development, for others it has been about redressing what they see as poor design choices. For me, this suit has been more about challenging the opaque and dismissive management of this development and the potential misuse of TIF funds. If an amended complaint will support the claim that process and public trust was violated, then Molly and Fix Wilson Yards should move forward.

  5. The building(s) certainly aren't my cup of tea (size, design, etc...). If FWY could even just get the income levels for the renters adjusted, I would be pleased. Why does it all have to be low-no income? Have some low and market rate rentals there. A true mix. No more of this only low, very low, and no income housing. Its a dumb idea that only Helen supports - and she ain't even paying into the WY TIF district!

  6. Like Cabrini was there for 100 years? And do we remember who got all the money to tear that down?

  7. Welcome to the NEW Socialist Republic of America, were you'll recieve a $700,000 (market value) condo for putting zero into the pot. And you'll get forclosed on your $300,000 condo because your 2nd job won't be able to schedule you for enough hours.

    Chicago really is the spring board to socialism, when this model reaches the White House we're all doomed.....D'OH!!!

  8. Its a done deal and I think not much can be done now. lets all keep watching other sites as the empty Maryville property to make sure Helen Shiller does not build another Wilson Yeard there.....
