Saturday, April 25, 2009

Keep An Eye On This

A reader writes in with the following photo:
"I just got home from the lake and stopped in 7-Eleven at Wilson and Clifton to get some things and noticed they still have the 40's of beer. I also noticed the former doorway between Nick's and 7-Eleven has had the plywood removed and a space of maybe 8x4 is left exposed. I hope the police keep an eye on this for nefarious acts. Something needs to be done ASAP."


  1. This is unbelievable.

    Right next to the worst fleabag hotel in Uptown, from which the loiterers block the sidewalk on a daily basis, there's a 7-11 selling 40-ouncers (which the franchise promised not to sell), and now there's a dark little booth just ripe for drinking, urinating, crack smoking, bjs, loitering without fear of rain, and dog only knows what else.

    Great urban planning! Our retail corridors get better and better with each passing day.

  2. I have the feeling that getting rid of the Wilson Mens Hotel would be a big help in decreasing the crime in that little area.

    The 7-Eleven on Wilson did not sell 40s when it first opened, but I have only been in there once (coincidentally, it was opening day). However, the 7-Eleven at Clark and Montrose has sold 40s of beer and malt liquor for at least two years now, and the liquor store on Wilson next to Godfathers Pizza also sells them.

  3. Where those who supported the opening of the 7/11? They were oh so confident the owners would keep their word to limit their booze sales? Why aren't you, who pushed for the opening in there raising hell? It's actions like this that keep the alderbeast in power and Uptown "Down" town. Hell'n must be smirking and happy.

  4. Buenapk..I could not agree with you more..This is a good example, as well as many others, why stores are moving out and others not being rented. Where is the leadership from Helen Schiller to make our uptown safe and healthy.

  5. Oh come on people the neighborhood was in dire need of a mastabatorium.

  6. *dog only knows what else*

    Why bring dog into it? ;-)

  7. Didja hear the one about the dyslexic agnostic who wasn't sure if there really is a dog?

  8. gayle, did you hear the one about the dyslexic prostitute who spent the night standing in front of a warehouse.

  9. Zesty - that joke doesn't work unless "eraw" stands for some kind of sex work that I'm unfamiliar with. Dyslexia means the tendency to read a word backwards - hence "dog" for "god."

  10. Ok, so the joke really goes like this...

    Did you hear the one about the prostitute who couldn't spell? She spent all night in front of a warehouse.

    By the time I pushed "Pubilsh Your Comment," I realized I had the sex worker's incorrect disability.

    I guess my disability is that I can't type a joke correctly.
