Friday, April 24, 2009

Did You Know....

... that you can text the police to report crimes and tips and remain anonymous?

From the CPD website:

1. Create a new text message or SMS text on your cellular phone
2. Enter the number 274637 (CRIMES) in the "TO" line
3. In the message box, type the word CPD, a space, and then your crime tip information.
4. Hit "Send" to send the message

Of course, call 911 if you see a crime in progress. For more information, including Crime Stopper rewards, see the CPD website and download the brochure and flyer.


  1. Why would you want to remain anonymous for reporting crime. If everyone would stand up to crime instaed of running from it our area be much stronger and send a message to all the punks who make our eare unsafe and unhealthy. Be a man not a mouse..............

  2. I can see a lot of reasons for remaining anonymous, Barry. Especially if I'm sending in a tip about bad people I might be related to....... or live with....... or be in a gang with.......

  3. I think texting tips is perfect for a situation occuring on an L or something like that.

  4. On a similar note, I noticed that RedEye is now reporting every homicide in the city on a weekly basis (I believe it's weekly). Wonder if the shooting on Broadway and Wilson last Sat. will be listed?

    BTW, April apparently has been a rather deadly month in Chicago, the worse yet.

    Go Olympics! LOL


  5. While I do like the idea and have added this info into my phone's address book and will use this if need be, texting the CPD will give them your phone#.

    A reverse lookup will destroy the anonymity.

    Oh, jimo - the victim from Sat night's shooting isn't dead.

  6. Weekend, your post couldn't be any more timely

    CTA Robberies on the Rise

  7. "texting the CPD will give them your phone#."

    Read the links -- there's a way to prevent that. I think it's in the brochure.

  8. Read the links -- there's a way to prevent that. I think it's in the brochure.Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the system, at all. It's a wonderful idea and may actually save a life or two.

    It's just not anonymous.

    Per the brochure, when you send in a text, you will rec'v a response which will include an "alias" that you can use to check the status.

    You will remain anonymous to the CPD, but the CPID will have your info.

    Again - I think it's a great idea, and maybe I'm just getting hung up on a minor point.

  9. It's not anonymous. The state will possess the information to get in touch with you if you send a tip. It's probably going to be highly unusual, but if they need more information, especially from a witness, they'll have traceable data.

  10. TygerKub HI:

    I have turned in a few over my lifetime specially when I looked out into the street at druggers selling drugs right across from the store I managed on Sheridan. I understand being afraid for your safety and if the gang your related to or being a memeber of but maybe your part of the problem. Call not the city but the Attorney general crime investagations division and talk to them. They will keep you anonymous and you would do a great deed in crime that seems to have run wild here in and around uptown. You can only be afraid for so long.....

  11. As far as I know, I'm not involved with or related to any gang members. But I can see how texting anonymous tips in could save the life of someone who is. There's all sorts of gang retaliation, and life is cheap to them. That's why no gangbanger, including the one in the hospital from last Saturday's shooting, will say a word to identify another gang member, even if he was the shooter. (Omerta didn't go out with the 1930s.) If someone has a good tip on the gangs or crime, by all means give them a way to text it in anonymously. You don't *have* to use it, you know. But I'm glad it's there for those who do.

  12. Barry... just asked anyone who's ever informed on the mafia.
