A reminder that this Saturday is the city's Clean & Green, and it looks to be a beautiful day!
We urge all UU readers to get out and, even if it's just for 15 minutes, do what you can to help our neighborhood get over the winter blues.
You can go it alone, or join one of our block clubs in their endeavors.
Buena Park Neighbors: "Please grab a neighbor or two and join us at Michael's Pizzeria at 4091 N. Broadway, where we will distribute supplies and determine which areas to clean. Together we can make Buena Park shine! - Event runs from 10 to noon - Volunteers of all ages needed - Clean-up areas will be determined on day of event by the volunteers - Brooms, rakes, shovels and bags will be provided - Bring work gloves if you have them. Contact bpnblockcaptains@hotmail.com."
Clarendon Park Neighborhood Ass'n: "CPNA will have coffee and donuts in front of the Clarendon Pk fieldhouse, and people can pick up their tools and garbage bags there. We need many more hands to help clear away the garbage that builds up over the winter months. With temps in the high 70s for Saturday, can you please consider spending 3 hours of your morning helping to make our neighborhood cleaner and prettier? We need to hear from you so we can plan to have enough tools, garbage bags, coffee, and donuts. Please gather your friends and neighbors and get back to us with your commitments. Thank you. Contact cpnassoc@gmail.com."
There must have been about 30 people in Buena Park show up for this. It was great meeting new folks, neighbors I don't know and can now recognize when I'm out and about. And everyone was so happy with what they were doing. It was nice.