Monday, March 2, 2009

CTA Puts Out 'For Sale' Sign, Forgets Wilson

The CTA has put its vast real estate portfolio online in hopes of selling or leasing the properties. Call us crazy, and I'm sure a few of you might, but we see no CTA properties in Uptown listed on the website. We hope it was an oversight. Just in case, we encourage our readers to contact Jones Lang LaSalle via their website and ask why our blighted and long vacant CTA Wilson storefronts are not on the website and being marketed. Also note 888-557-5618 is the number to call if you have any maintenance concerns on any current CTA tenants. Check out the Tribune story here, and


  1. Is there a difference between "forgets" and "ignores"?

  2. Surprising that while Huberman was President of the CTA, he couldn't manage to get the building powerwashed and have the trim painted around the windows. Really wouldn't have cost that much.

  3. This is a real mystery for sure. Sometimes, Uptown seems to reside in a bit of a '3rd dimension' in terms of reality.
    Must the Wilson and Broadway corner continue to be such a 'blight'?

  4. Yuck, What an eyesore.

  5. How/why would CTA sell the building that the station is actually in? The other properties for sale seem to be nearby el stations but not actually underneath the el. Or, were you talking about properties other than the one in the picture?

  6. Concerned Citizen-
    The CTA is also looking at not only selling its properties but leasing them. These Wilson L spots could be leased if they were being marketed properly.
