Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where Am I Located?

Where in Uptown does this sentry owl keep watch?

Any more guesses before we give the answer?
Hint: He sees lots of people, particularly on Sundays.

Answer: St. Mary's of the Lake, on either side of the main entrance doors.


  1. ===Where Am I Located?===

    Funny. That's what Peter Holsen wants to know.

  2. Craig,

    just look at all the fun you will have with this.

    Subpoenas. Possible libel suits. General mayhem and chaos.

    National attention.

    Think of the possibilities. City inspectors run amok among the aldermanic foes. US attorney grand juries. If you see the preceding post I predict the disintegration of the United States all because of Wilson Yard.

  3. I'm "Helen's Spy Owl" and I watch over Uptown Update.

  4. There's a bank on Snow Street in downtown Providence RI that has what looks just like this owl. Could it be?

  5. I've been checking this regularly and even spent some time Sunday looking. Where is this wise one?

  6. Hint: Sunday would be an excellent day to look for the owl.

  7. This is a really good one. Please leave it up for another week for all of us Nancy Drews and Hardy Boys!

    We will solve the Mystery of the Uptown Owl!

  8. I might be a little biased on that one.

    Sunday, being a key clue...

  9. the church on wilson and sheridan

  10. I recall seeing an owl on the 900 block of Windsor. I want to say 1/2 block east of Sheridan.

  11. I had a sneaking suspicion, confirmed just a minute ago on my walk... St. Mary of the Lake in Buena Park! There's one on each side of the main entrance on Sheridan @ Buena.

  12. JenJen, you are correct! You have bragging rights now. ;-) A photo of the owls standing guard on each side of the main entrance to St. Mary's will be added to the main post.
