Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Loud & Proud

For those of you who are proud to be Uptown Update, we have created a sign for you to display to show just that. You can click on the image above for an 11 x 8.5 version, or you can download a .pdf here. Post them in your windows and let your voices be heard. Enjoy.

Be sure to check out the UU shop at Cafe Press. We've updated many of the designs to reflect this "I Am Uptown Update" logo. If there is a certain style you want to see this logo on, let us know. We even updated the doggie t-shirts just for you Honey, the wonder-dog.


  1. Any way to get this on the gear that's at the Cafe Press website? I'd love to see this on a t-shirt or maybe a doggie shirt for Honey.

    Honey is Uptown Update!!! :)

  2. Sweet...thanks. I just ordered a shirt for Honey and will send in pics as soon as I have it!

  3. I am Uptown Update...and so can you!

  4. Maybe we can get Walsh to put it a sign on their crane at Wilson Yard.

  5. many times do I have to travel East on Montrose, and nearly get run down by the WY conststruction trucks.

  6. Eek! I'm hoping people end up walking the talk!

    It concerns me to only see 8 comments so far to this post when there were many more who were willing to anonymously tag themselves as, "I AM UPTOWN UPDATE", in many of their comments to other stories on UU.

    I will be printing out the sign and posting it proudly in our window!

    Post here and let it be known that you're printing too, or making a shirt like "Marathonman1977"--Peer pressure is a marvelous thing!!

    Don't let UU down!! We need to see these signs/shirts all around town!!

  7. Hmm...kind of reminds me of "V for Vendetta", where the town's citizens all don V masks.

    Hopefully this willend a bit different. We don't need a 2nd Wilson Yards fire.
