Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FixWilsonYard Lawsuit In Court On May 5

The student journalists at Medill have done another story focusing on Uptown and the progress of FixWilsonYard:

Wilson Yard Activists Get Day in Court with City Hall
by Ellen Thompson, Jan 20, 2009

Activists hoping to shape the future of the largest undeveloped tract on the North Side learned this week that their suit has been scheduled for trial in May.

Real estate attorney Thomas Ramsdell and co-counsel Champ Davis, representing the nonprofit Fix Wilson Yard, told a group of more than 100 Uptown residents at the Annoyance Theater Monday night that their landmark suit will go before a judge on May 5. At that time the counsel will also seek a preliminary injunction to halt development at the former Wilson Yard site.

Read the entire story here.