Monday, November 3, 2008

Daley Proposes Tax On Dumpsters

From the Sun-Times:

Business groups, condominium associations and aldermen on Friday dumped all over Mayor Daley's plan to charge an annual fee as high as $300 for every one of their garbage dumpsters.

Daley wants to raise up to $9 million during part of 2009 — and at least $25 million in subsequent years — by requiring businesses and condo associations to buy annual permits for their over-sized garbage containers.

This would affect all businesses, and everyone living in a building of four or more units. Isn't it fun having a city that's broke, despite the highest sales tax in the country? While the TIFs siphon off our property tax money, which goes into projects we have no input or information about?


  1. Check out today's Letters to the Editor in the Sun Times. Another citizen voices an opinion of TIFs.

  2. More taxes? From Democrat Richard Daley? Hey, if you like our mayor, you'll love Obama. More taxes, please.

  3. Womannis: You should wish you made enough money to be worried about tax increases from an Obama administration.

    Great thinkers like Tom Mannis have caused mainstreamers to flee the Republican party, leaving it
    with a core membership that "attends Sarah Palin’s rallies, where crowds chant 'Vote McCain, not Hussein!' . . . the party of Saxby Chambliss, the senator from Georgia, who, observing large-scale early voting by African-Americans, warns his supporters that 'the other folks are voting.' . . . the party that harbors menacing fantasies about Barack Obama’s Marxist — or was that Islamic? — roots.

    Why will the G.O.P. become more, not less, extreme? For one thing, projections suggest that this election will drive many of the remaining Republican moderates out of Congress, while leaving the hard right in place."

  4. It's only fitting to place a tax on what's leaving our property after increasing the tax on what we acquire and bring into our property.

    With the city testing automated trash collection one might wonder if we could automate the Mayor's office if it is this predictable.

  5. One way to spare money and constant noise in Uptown would be for condo buildings to get together to negotiate their private contracts for garbage pickup. The alleys have countless trucks driving through six days a week because most buildings have their own contracts with different companies. The banging of dumpsters and the whir of trucks is pretty much non-stop on most mornings. The tax issue presents a clear and unused opportunity to show the city how to use its size and market pressures to negotiate for cheaper services from its vendors.

  6. Wow nice to see Pirate and Billyjoe are watching the same MSNBC programs. Ha!

    Sorry Mannis, BJ doesn't like your paper or your right to free speach.

    "One way to spare money and constant noise in Uptown would be for condo buildings to get together to negotiate their private contracts for garbage pickup."

    Wow imagine that, using private sector to negotiate a price. Nice thinking fleck.

    Daley seems to be mentaly and politicaly holding on by a string.

  7. The mafia runs the city's garbage service, everyone knows that.

  8. Chippie,

    I don't have cable and all I see of MSNBC is off the net.

    As for comparin' me to BJ that was just wrong.

    Just for that I'm tempted to link to the Cheney endorsement of McCain.

    That would be wrong also.

    Like taking candy from a child. Amusing, but nothing to be proud of.

    As for this "tax" I wouldn't count on it happening. Aldermen will likely get off their knees and squawk in fear of it coming back to bite them. Too many business owners and condo owners would pay the tax.

  9. Wow, a tax on garbage...some jokes just write themselves.

  10. i'm already concerned about all the garbage in the area. if you look at the small wire bins that are constantly overflowing, you'll see that they're full of bags of garbage. not general passerby junk.

    likely this is what buildings and churches that don't want to/can't pay for a dumpster use to dispose of their garbage. raising taxes on dumpster will just mean more garbage not in the dumpsters.

    uptown, especially sheridan park, already has a bad garbage problem. no need to make it worse.

  11. and what about these recycling dumpsters shiller was so hot about? especially with the potential of the recycling collection place on sheridan closing. surveys won't make them happen.

    any news on that?
