Of course, the block club at which she'll be making an appearance is in the Lakeview portion of 46th Ward. On Tuesday, November 18th, Ald. Shiller will be the featured speaker at the Belmont Harbor Neighbors Association's monthly meeting, and is expected to answer constituents' questions about the city budget shortfall, proposed fees for waste containers, and what's happening with dormant building sites.
We're sure the alderman is disappointed that this scheduling conflict precludes her attendance at Beat 2312's CAPS meeting that same evening.
I wonder if anyone is able to attend this meeting even if they might live a few blocks north of it? I would love to hear what she has to say about the Wilson Yard lawsuit, or her friend the developer who now has no liability thanks to Helen allowing the tax payers to be put on the hook for any budget shortfalls. Or why Tiffs are allowed to use so much of the property taxes which at least is part of the reason there is a budget shortfall in the first place.
ReplyDeleteWhoever runs against Helen in the next election needs to spend a lot of time in this area. My wife had a friend over last night who lives on Pine Grove, just south of Irving Park, who had no idea about any of the issues surrounding Wilson Yard, crime, the homeless, saturation of low income housing, etc., that those of us in Uptown deal with.
ReplyDeleteLakeview developed on it's own momentum...Helen took credit. Many people get nosebleeds going north of Irving Park. My friends in Lakeview have no idea of the realities of Uptown. We all know that Daley and Shiller's have gone from public adversaries to private good buddies. She takes his problems and warehouses them in Uptown. She's an expert at the game.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that we could crash this meeting if someone wanted.. in fact, i think it would make quite the statement if the whole neighborhood did. it does impact us as well, so who cares if we weren't invited??
ReplyDeleteI got the notice originally as an E-vite...so they're definitely keeping track of who knows about it...
ReplyDeleteI would ask the Belmont Neighbors about "crashing" their meeting. Take it this way, I'd allow you to attend the meeting, but if you were not a member of the block club you wouldn't be able to participate in any way other than as silent observer.
ReplyDeleteIt's their meeting. Give them the courtesy.
I suppose you guys are right. That if it's their block club meeting then they should be able to listen to Shiller speak. But because Shiller will never speak at my block club b/c i live where she likes to place SRO's and public housing, and I'm one of those whiney condo owners, I think that I also have the right to hear what she has to say, since she likes to remain quiet. But, after the meeting, I'd atleast be informed.... which in the end, is all I really want.
ReplyDeletePickets would be a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteI joined Belmont Harbor Neighbors Association a few years ago and try my best to attend their meetings even though they happen to conflict with my CAPS beat meetings. Ald. Shiller meets with this organization every year and gives them updates about what's happening in the 46th Ward. In the past, most of the residents’ questions were related to developments within close proximity to their boundaries. Ald. Shiller will give updates about Wilson Yard and I suspect it will be similar to what was said at the Uptown United meeting earlier this week.
ReplyDeleteBecause I don't live within the boundaries, I have acted more as an observer in order to remain respectful of the group, but I have helped out with their fundraisers. There are times to be confrontive, but my sense is this is not one of those times. It is certainly not the way to win any converts in this area.
This is a very diverse ward and I have observed Ald. Shiller acting very differently in different parts of the ward… thus this regularly scheduled meeting with Belmont Harbor Neighbors and none north of Irving Park Road. Most of the issues of this association are very different from our issues. I have gotten to know many of the members of this association and found that overall, they share many of the same values we share north of Irving Park.
It is sort of interesting that no one from this block club has chimed in yet. Do they read this blog? If not, I think it says something that so many people north of Irving Park (and in the 48th ward as well!) are here...looking for answers...dialogue...change...
ReplyDeleteI think it's pretty funny that the alderman will meet with a block club that's just barely in the 46th Ward, while at the same time pointedly ignoring the opinions of the ten or so block clubs surrounding Wilson Yard when they unilaterally opposed her "plan." Oh, and pointedly ignoring the UCC meeting on safety which was held a block or two from her home.
ReplyDeleteSome of the comments on here only exemplify why we need an Aldermanic candidate that is not afraid of a more aggressive campaign still with Shiller. I am sick and tired of folks saying things like.. this is not the time or place...
ReplyDelete.. well you know what, if these are the only events she attends and ignores the rest of Uptown, then it is EXACTLY the time and the place...
I live on Brompton Avenue-one block north of Cornelia and I am inviting ALL Uptown Update readers to attend this meeting. She is YOUR ALDERMAN TOO. If she won't come top you, you MUST come to her-and she cannot run away this time!!! As to the idiots that think that attending this meeting wold be considered crashing- you need to pull your heads out!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't you understand that most people in my neighborhood don't have any idea they even live in the 46th Ward? They think Tom T is their Alderman and they do not pay attention to Shiller and Uptown since we technically live in East Lakeview. It is time to TAKE ACTION!!!! We need some educated 46th Ward residents to attend the meeting and ask some questions about crime, Tiff Funds, Wilson Yard, property taxes and budget shortfalls-the homeless, the percentage of Section 8 housing in the ward, etc. PLEASE, I don't have all the facts as I am a recent fan of Uptown Update, and we need to have someone that knows what is going on so they can ask the real questions and make this much more than a PR stunt for Shiller. Seriously!!! We need help over here and we need you guys to join us at this meeting. i don't normally go to the Belmont Harbor Neighbor Assn. Events, but calling Shiller out is a priority!!! Please come to the meeting. It is being held within the boundries of the 46th Ward-Shiller is your Alderman-YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE THERE!!!