Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Schakowsky About Wilson Yard: "A Great Need"

A reader writes: "Just so there's no doubt in voters' minds, Jan Schakowsky is a major supporter of the Wilson Yard low-income subsidized housing. In fact, she likes the housing so much that she wrote two letters, one dated Dec. 3, 2004 and then this more recent one." (Click on the image for a larger, easier to read version.)


  1. Well, in fairness, the letter does discuss only 78 units and senior housing. She was either voicing some support for an earlier version (based on the letter) or, she was only focusing on the need for the senior units and ignoring the rest of the plan.

    Seems to me that it might behoove her to issue an updated position statement.

    On another note, the Belle Shore is a beautiful building in the heart of Edgewater's reviving commercial district. Does anyone know what income criteria he uses to manage that property? Does anyone know if the affordable housing aspect of that property "sunsets" at some point? One day I happened to be looking upwards and was shocked to see a Holsten sign cemented there with all of the beautiful terra cotta. There are ways to make affordable housing developments work. I am just not convinced that what we are getting at Wilson Yard will be the best of the best.

  2. I'll continue to repeat... the notion of a "great need" of "affordable housing" in Uptown is incorrect.

    Uptown already has MORE affordable housing than almost any other community in Chicago.

    The cry should be for more affordable housing in Lincoln Park, Lakeview, etc.

  3. Jan Schakowsky routinely supports earmarks for many groups in and around the Edgewater and Uptown neighborhoods.

    For the last two years she has secured a $75,000 earmark to fund an employee at the Organization of the Northeast. This is not a general appropriation to fund a long term government assistance program either. It's a one shot, yearly renewed handout that keeps one more party away from supporting anyone that tries to run against Jan Schakowsky.

    Schakowsky probably doesn't care what happens to Wilson Yard if the various social justice organizations aren't so attached at the hip to Helen Shiller.

    The problem is still the same. Helen Shiller's universal, unquestioned devotion to the few at the expense of the many.

  4. Jan and Helen.

    Not much light between the two.

    She's up for re-election, by the way.

    Side note: depending on the outcome of next week's election, Jan may have to move from her House office to one in the Senate.

    Frightening thought.

    Is Jan's husband still in Federal prison for that whole check kiting scheme he was busted for, this summer?

  5. Apparently, billjoe has lost his ability to appreciate a rhetorical question.

    But, speaking of dumbass - sure. I said "this summer"; but, I meant "a couple of summers ago".

  6. I voted for the Green Party candidate on Saturday instead of Jan.

    I figured Aldi might get a real green roof instead of the pretend one that currently sits atop that architectural masterpiece.

  7. Sassy you said--
    Well, in fairness, the letter does discuss only 78 units and senior housing. She was either voicing some support for an earlier version (based on the letter) or, she was only focusing on the need for the senior units and ignoring the rest of the plan.

    When she wrote her letter of support the plan was 78 units of family housing and 100 units of senior. I believe she knew that.

  8. "Side note: depending on the outcome of next week's election, Jan may have to move from her House office to one in the Senate."

    heh. Jan's biggest problem is that she isn't Jesse Jackson Jr.

    Won't be a clean fight. Blago wants a third term. Appointing the next Senator is practically his only blue chip he can play.

  9. "Appointing the next Senator is practically his only blue chip he can play."

    Anyone who would vote for Blago, again, needs to partake of some of the mental health services provided around here.

    For what it's worth (which ain't much); I'm voting against every incumbent I can.

  10. Jan's letter uses the word "vibrant" several times to describe the current WY plan. I she nuts? 178 units of low, very low, and extremely low income housing AND a yet to be confimed Target (or affiliate - whatever) hardly seems like a "vibrant" plan to me.


    Go FWY!

  11. Ms. S. is just Hellenin designer suits. She lives on the North Shore and the poor = votes. Hellen is her good friend and vote getter. She was a PAID board member of her husband"s phony charity and said she know "nuttn" about his felonies. She said he was the vitim of an evil right wing cabal. Sound familiar?

  12. Jan Schakowsky has never taken a moment to meet with or discuss the issues of interest to residents of the 46th Ward. Sorry, once she did make an appointment but failed to be there for it.
    She supports the aldermen (Shiller and Smith). In all the years I've been involved in Uptown community issues (it's nearly 15 now) only Greg Harris, Heather Steans and Lisa Madigan ever took an active role here. Remember that on election day.

  13. Janice's husband is now out of jail. For those who don't know about Robert Creamer's problems here a short version: He ran a "charity" that he earned a 6 figure income from and yes Janice sat on the board. When they spent too much money Robert drove to a variety of neighboring states to open checking accounts, he used those accounts to write checks with insufficient funds to other accounts in other states. This was the classic check kiting scheme. In the end Creamer had over $300,000 out in bogus checks. Janice and her supporters have stateed that the money was paid back, and indeed months later Mr. Creamer was able to secure enough additional donations to cover his fraud. Again, it took him months. He was convicted but some local Democrats continue with the story that it was some sort of "misunderstanding." We are in a banking crisis and Janice's husband was involved in bank fraud. Furhter the DNC and the Obama campaign have hired Mr. Creamer (the fraud) to teach Democratic campaign "activists" on how to effectively campaign.

    I also noticed that her annual fundraiser (Empowering Women or something like that) featured Valerie Plame, the former CIA agent who was outed to Robert Novak by Richard Armitage. Ms. Plame and her husband Joe Wilson testified in front of one of the Senate's Intellegence Committees and we found out that their story under oath was very different than the story that they and the press had peddled for several years. In fact Mr. Wilson's report strengthened the CIA's view that Niger may have sold yellow cake (somewhat refined uranium) to Iraq.

    I agree that Janice will not be our Senator, thank God, she is a moral and intellectual disgrace.

  14. Cut her some slack. The letter was dated 2005 and back then I'm sure a lot of people were drinking the koolaid believing in a Target and mixed use housing and maybe even a movie theater. Check with her now and I bet the political wind has changed her feelings on the project (especially considering all of the original senior housing backers ahave pulled out).

  15. Agreed with cowboy. While this letter is indeed "more recent" than the December 2004 letter mentioned, it is actually three and a half years old and hardly "recent." A lot has happened in that time, as we are all well aware.

  16. I sent Jan an email through her website during the late fall of '07 asking about her thoughts on Wilson Yard.

    What I received was a snail mail response screeching about the ills of George Bush.

    When I followed up, I got no response, whatsoever.

    So, yeah. If someone can get Jan on recent record regarding WY, I'd love to hear it.

    Until then, I'm left to assume that Jan's priorities lay elsewhere.

  17. I'm glad to say I have never bought into Jan.

  18. I'm not cutting her any slack. She knew it was controversial then and she knows it now. With the lawsuit coming down the pike, Jan has the ability to place pressure on Helen to do the right thing and she's not doing it.

    If a dead squirrel was running against Jan, that dead squirrel would get my vote.
