A letter to the editor, Inside Online, October 22-28, 2008 edition:
"In the recent Wilson Yard TIF article (Ad-hoc Wilson Yard group battles city, Holsten says Target remains interested), it was cited that Peter Scales, the Communications Director for the Office of Planning and Development, stated that the housing component had not changed since day one and he then goes on to give a startling revelation that the housing would be sold to the low-income residents. That's news that has not been heard before. Perhaps Mr. Scales should let developer Peter Holsten and Ald. Helen Shiller know this news because they have both gone on record as saying it's 100% rental.
"Reporter Miriam Cintron neglected to mention the equally startling information that each of the family units will cost approximately $447,000 to build and each of the senior housing units will cost approximately $337,000 each. I would be hard-pressed to find any new low-income housing built anywhere in the U.S. that would equal those costs, and I would hope that other members of City Council would find this alarming, especially given our huge City deficits.
"Ms. Cintron contacted me for this story and asked me if I knew Target was coming into Wilson Yard. I told her that I can only get my news the way the rest of the ward gets their news... through a blog known as UptownUpdate.com. Ald. Shiller now refuses to talk to the community about it. When a local resident used the Freedom of Information Act to get confirmation about Target's letter of intent, it was then discovered that no such letter existed. Ald. Shiller had gone on record many times stating that there was a Target letter of intent and there's not even an 'oops, sorry' when we discover otherwise.
"It's clear that residents of the 46th Ward have grown tired of the 'Chicago Way' of doing things in their ward.
- James Cappleman, Former Aldermanic Candidate, 46th Ward"
Wonderfully put.
ReplyDeleteWith so many people, clearing the fog, and exposing this mess, when on earth, is Shiller going to explain the stink tha'ts associated with WY?
It's such a scandal...seriously.
I was reading this and thinking whoever wrote it sounded pretty angry, but I was agreeing with everything that was said. I then saw my name as the author and chuckled to myself. I had written it a couple of weeks ago probably late at night and forgot about it.
ReplyDeleteIt's already been said by some that my stance on the WY is politically motivated. It makes it so that I'm sometimes hesitant to say much because everything I write can come back to haunt me later. That said, I couldn't stay quiet about this Wilson Yard TIF. The lack of transparency, the lack of communication, the lack of real community input, and the refusal to abide by the use of best practices in sound urban planning will haunt us for decades if we remain silent.
Like many of you, I am sickened that this huge parcel of property has remained vacant for over 10 years. Lowering our standards for Uptown, though, is not respectful of the people who call this neighborhood their home. So, I stand with others and say we deserve better.
For the record, I'm not leading the effort to stop WY, but I support the hardworking people who are. It's just so unfortunate that a lawsuit is their only avenue to getting heard.
ReplyDeleteWell said again! Of course some will accuse you of voicing your opinions for “political reasons.” But I think anyone who has had the chance to meet you is aware that you talk about these issues all the time. Transparency, meeting with and listening to those you represent, and sound urban planning are things you clearly feel strongly about. Anyone who does not believe me has clearly not been attending some of the community meetings in the area in the past two years. James is regularly there, listening and supporting residents of the community and working with them to create changes for the challenges many of us face here in the 46th ward.
By the way in the over four years I have lived in the ward, Helen has attended one meeting that I have gone to. It was a meeting for a development on the SE corner of Broadway and Irving Park. She refused to take any questions about anything else in the ward and left before the meeting was over. By the way that development has been altered since the meeting, and her office refused to give any details about any possible changes when it did not start on time. That is one of about 100 examples I could give off the top of my head, about a lack of Transparency and poor communication.
It's okay James it's the political season.
ReplyDeleteGreat job someone needs to stand up for us in Uptown.
Thank you for the statement. I just hope that we can continue to expose Shiller's deceiptful, corrupt, and wreckless ways with enough intensity that she will be easily ousted at the next election. She embodies all that is wrong with dirty machine politics. Maybe Barack (who I skeptically support) can find a place for her in D.C. The glad-hands will soon be wide open.
ReplyDeleteJames, on your campaign website there is a link for anyone who wants to volunteer, host a coffee, etc. Are you still looking for help? I realize the next election is three years off but its never to early to start.
ReplyDeleteWhat we need to do for James is raise a tone of money.
ReplyDeleteSo he can get TV commercial in the next election.
James really has a chance to be a new breed of Alderman in Chicago.
btw- The only thing that bothers me about Barack is his Chicago connections but I think he is above all that maybe I am just naive.
Obama left a bitter taste with his sweeping endorsements of every Chicago incumbent. I can not forget the flyer that Shiller sent out with a photo of herself and Obama in the last election. Calls to his office for clarification of whether he endorsed her went unanswered. In my mind, he's not above anything. He's a politician, a Chicago politician. Blech.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is really off topic, so I apologize. But for me, it all boils down what is happening locally. He is who he associates with and has used to further his career.
On the bright side, it could be used to construct a venue (table tennis, badminton, etc.) for the 2016 Olympics (if we get them). And yes, I'm being serious.
ReplyDelete" ... the housing would be sold to the low-income residents ... "
ReplyDeletepls someone tell me Scales mis-spoke or this is sloppy reporting
has Inside retracted this?
You can expect every Alderman to have their smiley pics with Barack on their next posters, Websites, buttons, etc.
ReplyDeleteWhile I tend to support him in 10 days, I think he is linked with every dirtbag in Chicago - just like every other machine politician - Shiller being a festering example. I just hope that he is smart enough to keep the local wolves at bay (Jesse Jackson Jr/Sr, "Father" Phlegler, "Reverend" Wright, etc.)
It should be an interesting 2011 election and I've been told by another of politicians to expect some sweeping changes in City Council the next time around.
ReplyDeleteI'm currently board president of the Uptown Chicago Commission, so I'm very cautious about raising funds while heading up a not-for-profit organization. There's still some exploration about what's legal but I also don't want to give any misperceptions about unethical conduct either. If I'm going to complain about unethical behavior, I'll have to walk the talk. I should know more about the best course of action later. Money is important in any election, but the goal is to get out the standard 5 mailings and lots of emails and phone calls. The two other critical components are people and time. That's Election 101 and I'm going by the book to prepare for it.
I encourage all of us to keep doing what we're doing to get our voices heard. We really are making a huge dent in changing the face of politics not only in the 46th Ward, but the rest of the City, which will be closely watching this Wilson Yard lawsuit.
In the meantime, I remain very busy at work and in the community. Fridays are my late work days, so I'm heading off to work.... again, I don't want to give any perception that I'm blogging on work time. The lies that can get thrown out in an election amazed even me.
Why wasn't this sent to the Trib?
ReplyDeleteThe Tribune owned by Zell isn't going to do anything to harm Daley until he sells the Cubs.