Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stewart School Campus Park Grand Opening

From Business Partners' latest mailing: Stewart's Campus Park Grand Opening has moved up to Saturday, September 27, 2008!!!! Come and join Stewart students, parents, teachers, Principal Juliet Rempa, Retired Principal Patricia A. Turner, Mayor Richard Daley, Alderman Shiller and our very own Arne Duncan.

Time: 9:45 a.m.
Place: Stewart Elementary, 4525 N. Kenmore Ave.

Update: Beacon Street Gallery adds: "A performance by Najwa Dance Corps will kick off the dedication of Graeme Stewart Elementary School's Campus Park in Uptown."


  1. What? The Alderbeast is making an appearance!?!

  2. I wish they would have just left that street open. Its one more place for thugs to gather, and the CF on wilson and Broadway is too much to handle.

  3. Drove past around 3:30PM today. Park filled with adult thugs - three of them fighting. I sure would like my child playing there.

  4. Take pictures, film it, send them to the news.
