"We believe that solutions must be community-driven and responsive to the needs of all Uptown residents. We will hold another Town Hall meeting soon to allow all interested parties to participate in working groups to craft solutions in the areas of: (1) increased citizen participation in public safety decision making and better communications in the community, (2) changes in public policy, (3) youth programming and involvement, and (4) business participation and involvement.
"We have asked community leaders to chair these working groups:
- Citizen participation and communication - Cindi Anderson
- Public policy - Rev. Randall Doubet-King
- Youth programming and involvement - Judy Gall
- Business participation - Christie Hahn
"Watch your mailbox for the time and place of the next Uptown Public Safety Town Hall Meeting."
I'm curious, where is Shiller in all of this? I'm encouraged, and not at all surprised, that they're going over her head.
ReplyDeleteExcellent way for Steans and Harris to increase their name recognition among potential voters!
ReplyDeleteSmart politicians, these two.
When the alderman refused to listen to the community about the recent violence and murders in the 46th Ward (can anyone forget the anti-violence rally at her office where her employee George Atkins sat with a baseball bat to defend the office?!), community residents went to the State Sen. and State Rep. Thankfully, they listened and took action.
ReplyDeleteYou can practically see the feathers on Lame Duck Helen.
Unfortunately, she seems to be on a mission to leave the 46th Ward "scorched earth" before she leaves office.
I would like to know if the slum eer I mean landlords of the problem buildings have been contacted and started eviction of habitual offenders. Both Greg and Heather were going to "look into" this.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I will not be voting for Heather or Greg or anyone for that matter until they step up and condemn Wilson Yard in its current plan.
It's been what 2 months since this Town Hall? Yet the gangs are still hanging on the same corner, shots are still being heard, & we still have to dodge panhandlers & violent drug addicts daily.
Faster folks, faster.
Lame duck?
ReplyDeleteQuack, quack. Not quite there yet, but as my Aussie friends might say "fire up the barby and get ready for some foie gras Ala Shiller".
Shiller not being involved is interesting. Steans and Harris, who are outta the 48th Ward organization, seem to have decided that either their political futures or just the common good require that this be done with or without Shiller. Preferably without would be my guess. The Labor Ready issue probably did not endear Shiller to the 48th Ward organization or Mary Ann Smith. Made the natives in her ward restless and pols hate restless natives. Better to keep them quiet and off the ballot as Smith did with her last challenger.
Cindi Anderson was the Capplemaniac's campaign manager and a former Aldermanic candidate herself. Oh yeah. This is a big bouquet of roses directed at St. Helen of Carmen Avenue.
It's gonna be interesting to watch. Cappleman is clearly planning to run. There are others I suspect are thinking about running. I've always discounted the rumor that St. Helen of the Wilson Yard would retire at the mid point of this term. I may have been wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if she is offered some city job to retire early in order to give some Daley selected candidate a head start in office.
Get out the popcorn and the checkbooks boys and girls the logs are on the fire, the TV is on, and the previews are about to begin!
It wouldn't surprise me if she is offered some city job to retire early in order to give some Daley selected candidate a head start in office.
ReplyDeleteThats how we do things in Chicago, so I'd give this possibility a 50-50 shot. Its probably about time to start putting the 4th generation of Daleys into power.
Her son. She can appoint her son. Schiller will have a full pension during this term, making it easy for her to retire mid-term and appoint her son. In the meantime, however, we still have to deal with her ineptitude for a couple of years.
ReplyDelete*we still have to dodge panhandlers*
ReplyDeleteI have been directing all panhandlers to the ward office for change. I tell them to ask for Helen.
Funny, they seem to change thier tune after that. Like this guy who claimed he was from New Orleans and need some change since he had only been here for two days. Then how did he know who Schiller was? Hummmm...
Shiller can't appoint her son.
ReplyDelete"Da Mare" gets to appoint replacement aldercritters.
That doesn't mean that St. Helen of Motherhood wouldn't try to maneuver her son into office. I personally doubt Daley would appoint him. Daley would want someone likely to be able to retain office and if mama is in trouble baby Shiller would be too.
Nope, I'd expect Daley to appoint someone like committeeman Tom "Not So" Sharpe or a refugee from the 19th Ward. Someone he could control and would sit at the mayoral feet and take the mayoral orders.
Or Ron Ron get around I get a Ron Huberman.
ReplyDeleteWould that be a pay cut for him? He lives in or near the ward. Who else is going to move here? Well I take that back the nest alderbeast could just take up shop in Andersonville like our current one.
We should be so lucky to have Ron Huberman as our Alderman. That guy is amazing. Look at the improvements he's made to CTA, with essentially no budget.
ReplyDeleteJust like "The hog with the big n***" Alderbeast Beavers appointed his daughter and got Daley's blessing so will Hellion be able pass the baton on to sonny. Daley still needs a human dumping ground and sonny will continue the legacy.
ReplyDeleteI doubt Huberman would be interested. Big pay cut and less responsibility.
ReplyDeleteAs for Daley always appointing who the outgoing aldercritter wants it doesn't work that way. The 18th ward is the most recent example I can think of.
CloutWiki on aldercreatures.
Well it sure is nice to have your concerns acknowledged. Many of those letters and emails to the 46th ward office often get copied to other representatives in the area. That is a big part of why they want to follow up on the safety issues. This is the way it is supposed to work, constituents call or send you a note YOU RESPOND TO IT!
ReplyDeletePlease tell me that this is a joke.
ReplyDeletePublic Policy?---Randall Doubet-King was the Executive Director of R.E.S.T.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. She isn't going to retire. She will try her best to force this WY project through, its her legacy. She, for some delusional reason, believes that she is Robin Hood. This fight will go down to her bitter end in office. Hopefully, she will lose. Keep your eyes peeled on the McJunkin builing too. This really smells fishy.
ReplyDeleteRather than form these different committees, is there any reason why these social services and businesses don't join the residents and work with the CAPS beat in their area? Now that would be a refreshing change. It's certainly what the commanders from Districts 20 and 23 have been asking for.
ReplyDeleteAnderson has been strongly supportive of CAPS, but the others have never gone on record of their support. In the past, Randall Doubet-King has even been openly critical of residents who voiced opposition to people sleeping in the parks. REST has refused to participate with CAPS. I want this to work, but there are some red flags that has me concerned. This should get interesting.
ReplyDeleteForget it guys--forget CAPS--forget rep Harris or anyone else for that matter. There's nothing we can do. Sorry. I don't mean to be dour, but I just got done driving around with two police detectives (was very nice of them to do so), becasue my life was threatened in front of them on my street by three mothers, 15 teens (some of them gangs), as they were mobbing my front door, and calling me a white bitch becasue I had a videotape of the damage one of teen son's had done by pulling a brick our of the sidewalk in front of my condo and throwing it (20 of them have been fighting, causing vandalism to cars, screaming about raping one another, etc, for 4 days straight. I finally taped this activity from inside my home when I saw the kid take the brick and start throwing it. (They're were parents walking in the streets with their small children trying to shield their kids). I told 911 I wanted to make a report but when I got downstairs their were 7 police cars and an ambulence b/c one of the kids got hit by the brick and the police said they would get sued if I filed a report for disturbing the police even though the kids don't live on my street. Then the one child called her mother and screamed ot the police that they're not afraid of him or me, and the mother threatened my life, so I had to hjide out for two hours, instead of working. The detectives told me that they are basically not allowed to arrest people for anything anymore, becasue they get in trouble when they get sued, whether or not it's a frivolous lawsuit, they have to pay for the expenses. These kids threaten to sue them. That's why they can't do anythign about gang violence, destruction to property, etc. They told me to take a loss on my place and move.