(click the image to enlarge) We are amazed at the amount of sponsors taking part in the 2nd annual "Experience Uptown" event. Be sure to visit the
WAMA site and buy your wristband to get all the great discounts at your favorite Uptown businesses on September 12, 13 and 14. We will be adding a link off on the right to make purchasing wristbands and getting more info that much easier.

UPDATE: "We just finalized the list yesterday afternoon and postcards are being printed this week to distribute and will have the discount info as well." (click image to enlarge)
Is there a list of discounts anywhere yet? I've been looking for it and can't seem to find it.
ReplyDeleteThe 10 dolar writbands get you discounts at the locations. So that 10 dollars will pay for itself if you shop at any of these locations.
ReplyDeleteThere is no magic door to keep people out of the locations during the event so if you don't want to buy one so it's your option. If you want the discounts buy the wristband.
I see almost 15 pubs on there, so Im sure I could drink my 10 dollars worth in savings.
Lets be happy, this is what we get when our Alderbeasts office makes it difficult to have steet fair.
When I saw this a few weeks ago I enthusiastically purchased 2 bands to support our neighborhood. Yesterday I received my bands in the mail and I have to say they doing a terrible job of promoting the event. In the envelope I didn't receive a list of discounts or a simple "thank you". If this represents the customer service skills of Uptown businesses than color me concerned.
ReplyDeleteI don't speak for the organization, but I do know some people in it. The list of participants was just recently finalized, and the information about the discounts they are offering will be out soon. They're just waiting to get it from the printers.
ReplyDeleteYou'll rarely find an event that doesn't ask for people to pay a little something to support the cause of a) building the community and b) trying to fund the cause itself. Can't do it with $0 cash.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, sounds like merchants and the discounts were just finalized recently. maybe sending the list in the mail wasn't an option yet?
Furthermore, from personal experience, groups like WAMA are volunteer-based and do what they can outside of work/family. And PR is the most important but remember with a group of volunteers you don't always have the expertise on hand. They genuinely do what they can in the time they have to spare for their share of community efforts. So be thoughtful. It's an event meant to bring our community out and support businesses, not "color people concerned"..
ReplyDeleteIf they don't have the businesses finalized than they shouldn't sent the bands. And it still doesn't explain the lack of a "thank you".
I not mad at them, just disappointed because I want them to succeed. I understand they are volunteers, however they still need to do better. I sent them the following feedback:
When I saw this promotion last week I enthusiastically bought 2 bands (why doesn’t paypal let me select more than one band?) to support the neighborhood, which I received in the mail yesterday. I must say I’m disappointed in the level of customer service displayed in that envelope. Why isn’t there a flyer that shows which businesses are participating? Not only is it rude, it’s a missed opportunity on your end to highlight businesses in uptown. Additionally, most people who buy these doing it to support you and uptown; however there wasn’t even a “thank you” or a note explaining how the money is being used. Again, it’s rude and a missed opportunity to introduce the community to WAM. I still can’t believe I received 2 bands, the receipt(s) and nothing else.
Understand, I sent this constructive criticism because I want you to succeed. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with being dissapointed. You bought the wristbands so thanks for contributing to the event.
Im sure if anyone else has a beef they could walk to Unique So Chique and talk to Robert. He is a nice guy. He might even give you a free truffle. might.
Also he is always looking for people to help out with WAMA, maybe you could help him out.
Chipdouglas - My thoughts exactly.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has ideas as to how to promote an event like this, the best thing to do is get involved with the organizers. The good news is that it's not too late to help those who are already volunteering - what you're proposing (the envelope insert) is pretty easy to produce and you could start using it immediately.
Good feedback.
ReplyDeleteI want to stress I still think the promotion is a great idea and the wristbands are well worth the money. It seems like WAMA still has a few kinks in the process however I have no doubt this is a good thing for uptown. I encourage everyone to buy them to support our local businesses. I have no regrets with my purchase.
"I see almost 15 pubs on there, so Im sure I could drink my 10 dollars worth in savings."
Thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to make sure Fat Cat regrets their participation. :)
ReplyDeleteYour last post has redeemed you. Your first two posts, I believe, were far from constuctive. I think perhaps you just don't know the meaning of the word "rude".
ReplyDeleteYou're way off. WAMA did a poor job with the mailings and I highlighted it. Obviously I think my posts were spot on. :)
When someone does business with you, a simple "thank you" should be provided and a flier explaining the benefits. My comments are intended to make them better. As business owners they should welcome the feedback. If they don't, how will they improve?
I'm sure they're looking for volunteers, Holden, with great ideas like your thank you note and/or list of discounts.
ReplyDeleteI've really found with these volunteer organizations that it's best to get involved if you'd like to see things change for the better. They can use any expertise and help they can get!
Dear Uptown Community Residents,
ReplyDeleteAs founder and one of five Directors of the Wilson Area Merchants Associtaion,we would like to apologize for any inconveniences that may have been caused when receiving your bracelet packet in the mail. We do agree, a thank you note and/or card and a map with the businesses and discounts they are offering should have been included in the mailing.In the future, we will do our best to meet those demands. Currently the postcards are being printed. We do welcome any constructive feedback. WAMA, being a new association, will continue to grow and learn through community input. It is correct to assume that we are a volunteer group looking out for the betterment of the community. If anyone would like to become a volunteer we would wholeheartedly welcome your participation. To become a volunteer please go to www.wilsonareamerchants.org and contact any of the Directors. Remember, we are a "work in progress"!! For those individuals that have already purchased the bracelets, thank you and for those individuals who plan to purchase the bracelets, we thank you in advance.
Robert Davis, Director WAMA
I personally don't see an issue wiht what Holden said. I do think he was trying to offer constructive criticism. When someone makes a purchase of anything, its just good customer service to at least thank them.
ReplyDeleteThe marketing opportunity with that should be standard, but not everyone thinks to do so at the time.
But a simple thank you? Not too much to expect.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to post here and I appreiate everything that you're trying to do for the community.
My only regret, is I shouldn't have aired my concerns on UU. Sending an email to the organization directly should have been my only action.
I saw Striped Tiger Graphics on the list. What do they do?
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking! Among other things, Striped Tiger did the logo for Uptown Update, the posters for the Truman Square block party, and the WAMA posters.
ReplyDeleteStriped Tiger Design is a new Uptown business, but is run by a long-time Uptown resident.
The website is www.StripedTigerGraphics.com.
I have but one request... please change that hideous blue background on the website! I could barely read the lettering!!
ReplyDeleteThat being said... I too will make Fat Cat regret their participation :-)
Mmmm... Fat Cat.
ReplyDelete20% off of Mad Hatter and a Cajun Burger with all the trimmings?
Heaven... pure heaven.
ReplyDeleteThe association is currently looking for someone to re-do our website. Considering we have a very limited budget, the blue background may have to stay just a while longer. The Directors have discussed the current colors and agree that the site is not as legible as it should be. We will correct this issue as soon as possible so that our viewers may navigate through the WAMA site more easily. Thank you for your feedback.
Robert Davis, WAMA Director
Whatever WAMA fault's may be (poor website and lack of customer appreciation), they've done a helluva job getting merchants and area business to participate in this and offer REAL incentives (20% off at area restaurants is awesome!). Hopefully, this can steer other businesses this way.
ReplyDeleteWe've had numerous criticisms of the chamber and other business groups in the area, seems like WAMA's got their shit together. I will be purchasing my wristbands soon.
Robert, and any other WAMA member reading, thank you for coming together and offering this for the community. Well done!
Sounds like one of the Web developers reading UU could possibly help WAMA out with some pro bono help?
ReplyDeleteHelp out folks. I would but my website is drawn on my etch a scetch.
A Fair Question...
ReplyDeleteWhich of these merchants has contributed to Shillers election fund? Is there a source to find out.
Whereas I will absolutely be supporting this great idea and am purchasing a wristband, I absolutely do not want to support the businesses that have supported Shiller.
Help anyone?
anyone know how much of a contribution has to be made to get your business name on posters like this??? I think an Uptown Update logo and web address should be on all poster like this that are going to be seen widely. It would give the website exposure to people who might not otherwise know about it. I'm sure people here would contribute to a fund for that. This of the steam coming out of Shiller's ears when she sees that!
ReplyDeleteAs far as merchants who have contributed to Shiller, you really have to be careful. It's not necessarily fair to the merchant. This is where having community awareness really comes into play. If you live here, you know the deal.
ReplyDeleteAll merchants are typically are asked to contribute to the Alderman. Our ward is probably no different than other wards. It's not uncommon. If they want to get anything done, that's how business works sometimes. don't fault the merchants for that.
It's a tough game, the political field up here. but realize it's not so black and white. Sometimes you have to live in the "gray".
If you aren't happy with the Alderman, wait to vote again in 2011, but don't tie it to a great event like Experience Uptown.
Carmen, if your response is not a cop out on community responsibility, I do not know what is!
ReplyDeleteIf a business is worried about the ramifications of supporting Shiller, they should have the backbone not to contribute.
Again, I will find out one way or another which of these businesses supported Shiller and not support them.
It's tough game out there, you know how it is...
Does anyone know if the businesses participating in this are Shiller supporters? Perhaps instead of going in to purchase we can drop off a letter that says I would have purchased but have chosen to take my business to someone who does not support Shiller. If you reconsider your support I will happily become a patron of your store. Or maybe everyone wears "Fix Wilson Yard" Shirts.