Dozens (of tires) slashed in Uptown
Police reports show that at least 44 vehicles were damaged by apparent gang activity in Uptown on Aug. 23 between 1 and 2 a.m.: 12 on the 4000 block of Broadway, and 30 on the 800 block of W. Cuyler. The report lists the damage, and most of the cars had some or all of their tires slashed, although a couple also sustained what appeared to be Latin Eagles gang graffiti scratched into their hoods. Witnesses reported hearing a commotion on the street at the time, and one eyewitness reported seeing about seven males and two females moving about. Although the witness didn't see anyone slash tires, they did report seeing one of the ladies pull down a "No Parking" sign.
Shady business in a nursing home
A small fire was started in the closet of a nursing home room on the 4600 block of N. Racine on Aug. 24 at 5:17 a.m. Police reports say that one of the four residences of the room put a lighter, match, or lit cigarette in the closet, which then started on fire. Oddly, the report says that residents either couldn't or wouldn't talk about the fire when police attempted to interview them. Luckily, after firefighters arrived the fire was extinguished in 15 minutes and damage was contained to the closet, wall, and ceiling.
walked down irving today and at irving and fremont there was a bmw parked at a meter with a smashed window and a brick laying on the sidewalk next to it with the smashed glass. the heathens are everywhere. they need to go back to their scumholes.