Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Sacred Shopping Cart

A reader writes in:

"Saw this on the East side of Kenmore across from Dib sushi. It’s ironic how a stolen shopping cart needs to be “protected” from thieves."

Looks like a job for Don Nowatny and his bolt cutter to us.


  1. "UPTOWN GIRL" -- Knock off the trolling.

    Bad enough you reposted your incendiary comment after it was deleted the first time...

    Then you posted an outraged reply to that comment. Your own comment.

    When you saw you'd forgotten to switch identities, and both posts were attributed to "Uptown Girl," you deleted the indignant response to your own original comment.

    Credibility of any comment or claim by "UPTOWN GIRL" -- zip.

  2. It is when you post something and then disagree with your own post.

    And you know that because you deleted the second post, so no one would know you posted both sides of the argument.

    As one of your many personalities said, "Get a life." Don't troll here.

  3. Uptown Girl, I've never understood why some people lie in order to promote their cause. Really, it never made any sense to me. I guess I always thought one would have to have some doubts about their own cause if they had to lie to promote it.

    So how do you get around that thinking?

  4. So this is the behavior of a wanna be social worker, a teacher, a big sister, and someone who works in Helen's office? As for the upset resident who reported the abusive behavior of those in Helen's office, you've given her more credibility. No doubt from your behavior, you joined them in the abuse.

    Shame on you. No, you deserve pity.

  5. This location is 1039 West Lawrence, the Lorali. When I called the Lorali one evening a couple weeks ago, the person said the cart belonged to a resident and they did not have the authority to do anything about it.

  6. Interesting. I didn't know there was a place you could buy your own shopping cart :) I'm sure it's stolen property.

    Regarding Uptown Girl, remember, she will be back, probably with a new name now, so keep your B.S. detectors in good working order.

  7. Holy Moley-

    I never asked pity from you and would never want it.

  8. Confused-

    Im not a troll and I'm not going anywhere.

    I do believe it is within my rights to comment on a blog. My opinions get erased anyways, so you have nothing to worry about.

  9. uptown girl, so you don't deny that you tried to fake a response to your own comment? that's pretty trollish!

  10. A friend of mine got on my computer and screwed around and I deleted the comment.

    I do kind of look like a cute little troll, though. So you can call me one if you'd like.

  11. The cart is located at approx 4752 N Kenmore. I called it in to 311 about a week ago. The call taker said the request would be forwarded to the ward's Streets and Sanitation Dept. Maybe a few more calls to 311 would speed things along.

  12. It is certainly within your rights to post on a blog, just as it is within our rights to call what you say B.S. when we feel it deserves it.

  13. Wow, you would think streets and sanitation could walk the whole block from their offices and cut the lock on that cart.

  14. This blog lets you sign up with the same name as other users. I have been uptowngirl (no space) since June and then the other, possible troll Uptown Girl got her name in July. So, that could be the reason for the seemingly split personality. No worries though. I am now changing my name. I don't want to be associated with trolls. I don't post that often and I would never talk down about what people are trying to do here. I get involved in a positive way and would do anything that I possibly can to make this neighborhood a better place to life for ALL residents. Sorry for the confusion.

  15. That photo is a legendary metaphor for the current state of Uptown.

  16. This is funny and crappy at the same time... frappy!

    Do they make tiny Denver boots for shopping cart wheels?
