Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gang Tags In The Alderman's Neck Of The Woods

A reader emailed us this photo and said:
"My friend’s garage on Winnemac was marked by gangs last weekend and I would like to share the picture with everyone. If Shiller thinks there are no gangs in uptown, I have news for her… This is not too far from where she lives so they might be at her door soon."


  1. Thats a difficult set to work through, I'm really confused as to who they're dissing and who they're representing on that one. Anybody know?

    Actually, this looks like a sign that the Latin Kings and CVL are dissing the Ganster Disciples. The upside down devil pitchfork is a defintie dis.

    And you can see the V L and A, which should be Vice Lords Almighty if I'm correct.

  2. i think you're right... and there has been a "team up" of sorts of some of the gangs in uptown lately, right?

  3. Well the CVL, Latin Kings and PStones are all among the Peoples Set, whereas the GDs are a Folk set. I believe that the CVL and PStones currently have a truce going.

    The CVL and GDs are mortal enemies, they can't possibly have any kind of alliance going.

  4. Actually, I believe it's the 'Vice Lords' and the 'Almighty Latin King Nation', jointly dissing the GDs or Folks Set with the pitchfork pointing downward...

  5. Does anyone know what "Nomad" means? I see that all over my neighborhood, near Winthrop and Lawrence.

  6. i think nomad is some sort of graffiti artist...

  7. I could have sworn that the Tactical Officer at the Town meeting said that members of the GD's, P-Stones, and CVLs have recently teemed up and that it was one of the reasons the violence has gotten worse in the immediate area.

    I wish I had taken better notes but my girlfriend was talking my ear off asking me all kinds of questions during the meeting.

  8. I don't think it matters as much where the tagging is. I'm also not convinced that it isn't clearly evident to Ald. Shiller's office that there is, in fact, gang activity in Uptown.
    And let's NOT dare call these vagrants "graffiti artists". Sorry, Meghan, nothing personal. I just think this "nomad" is incomparable to those I know who have permits and commissions for their work; plus, it doesn't cost us so much money in public clean-up costs, right!

  9. Don't tag, do tell.

    Tell us about your vision for artistic graffiti. Speak your mind and allow your neighbors to hear you. They will respond. They want to foster artistic expression.

  10. @Butternut

    It's highly unlikely that the Gangster Disciples (Folks) have teamed up with the Vice Lords or the P-Stones (both Peoples). If anything, they most likely formed a truced with the Latin Kings, who are also Peoples...

    That being said, it's time to send all of them packing--it's our neighborhood now (and by 'our', I mean everybody--all of us who desire a safer and more vibrant environment in which to live our lives...

    I have no problems with the economically disadvantaged (I purchased my own condo through the CPAN program), it's the gang bangers and drug dealers I have a problem with...

  11. Actually the Stones did team up with the GD's.

  12. We should all be cleaning this crap off the streets as soon as it goes up. Get a can of "goo gone" and a rag - it wipes right off.

  13. Blueprint Blue is right on....

    We should ALL try to remove the tags.

    In fact....the nursing home, near Clarendon and Montrose, has had 'Temper' painting on their front window for at least 8 months.
    I don't understand why they don't remove it??

  14. We were recently tagged with what looks like a turtle standing on it's back legs. Does anyone know what this means?
