Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Caution: Stop Light Is Out At Leland And Broadway

A savvy reader wrote in to tell us that the stop light at the corner of Leland and Broadway is not working. If you are in heading towards that area, use caution. 911 has been alerted.


  1. Not only is the power out at that corner, but the power is out in all of the buildings on the west side of Wintrop around the 4700 block and east side of Broadway at the 4700 block.

    Since I live there, I can confirm it. It's a super duper awesome fun time for not having air conditioning or the internet or TV or a working refrigerator, etc. ComED will not confirm when it will be fixed, only saying within the next several days...

    I'm not bitter though.

    Feel free to stop by and say hi. I'm working out of Borders until the power comes back on.

    Let me reiterate - SUPER DUPER AWESOME FUN TIME.

  2. Well, with the number of down power lines in that area I'm surprised anyone has power.

  3. I'm without power as well. I agree, ice cold showers in a stifling hot aparment or condo are superfun!

  4. I just drove by that area and as of 10 pm it's still out. I feel bad for the people in that area without power. I used to live in Florida and when we had Hurricane Frances hit we were without power for 8 days.

  5. Thanks for the sympathy, no-poet. My neighbor texted me this morning that power came back on around 7 AM. Thank goodness!

    I hope the same is true for crime blotter.
