Saturday, August 2, 2008

Finding Your CAPS Meeting

We've gotten some emails in the days since the Town Hall meeting asking how residents can locate the right CAPS meeting for their area. So here are the beat maps for the 23rd and 20th Districts:

Meetings are usually held once a month (once every two months in some beats). We try to list the Uptown beat meetings under "Events" in the sidebar. Beat Facilitators: If we're not listing your meeting and you want us to, write us!

If you don't see your beat meeting listed, please call the Community Policing office for your district and ask for the time and location.

23rd District Community Policing : 312-744-0064
20th District Community Policing : 312-742-8770


  1. Please notice that both the 46th ward and the Uptown community area is divided between 2 police districts.

  2. I'm confused by this map. I'm at Malden and Wilson. What area am I?

  3. Beat 2311. Meets the first Tuesday of the month.
