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WBBM 780's coverage of yesterday's meeting:Uptown Residents In An Uproar Over Recent Violence
CHICAGO (WBBM) -- Some 300 Uptown residents packed the Truman College cafeteria to talk to Chicago Police about what they say is big increase in crime in their neighborhood. Resident after resident took the microphone to tell police about shootings, drug dealing and auto theft in and around Uptown.
Chicago Police Commander Kathy Bowmer says there has been an uptick in violence, particularly auto thefts, in the area but she says they are doing their best to crack down on what she says is three specific gangs. There have been 8 shootings and one homicide in Uptown this year.
Neighbors say they want an increase in patrols and security cameras., but police say residents can't be afraid to report crime and then follow through and testify in court against suspects if needed. Police are pledging to increase bike patrols and even bring in the Tactical Response Unit when needed.
A 22-year old Freshman at Truman College was shot and killed near campus in May. Police say he was an innocent victim caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout.
I kind of feel like there have been more than 8 shootings in the 'hood this year. There have been at least 2 or 3 on my block that didn't get any attention.