Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Life For The Sheridan Plaza?

The faded beauty of the Sheridan Plaza Hotel, at Wilson and Sheridan, may be the next in line to be brought back to its original condition. A recent building permit calls for "EXTERIOR REPAIRS WHICH INCLUDE TERRA COTTA REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, BRICK REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, SEALANT REPAIRS, PARAPET REBUILDING, AND TUCKPOINTING AS PER PLANS." All to the tune of a whopping $700,000.

With the restoration of the Borders building, the Riviera/Bank of America Building, and the Uptown Broadway Building, we have high hopes that the Sheridan Plaza will once again shine.

In its heyday, it was home to visiting baseball teams playing at Wrigley Field, as well as the Cubs' residential home headquarters. When it opened in 1925, it was the costliest building in Chicago outside of the Loop. Its staff came from the finest hotels in America and Europe.

It began to decline in the 1950s, and by the late 1970s, it seemed sure to be demolished. But new owners stepped in and obtained national landmark status for the building, and then did a $12 million renovation. Let's hope this latest renovation helps keep the old dowager afloat.


  1. The lobby inside is still beautiful and grand and the apartments are rather large. However, the hallways are a little dark and dingy and some of the residents feel scared because the security isn't so hot and some feel that there is a significant gang presence on some of the floors.

  2. Whose $700,000? The Egidi's or the taxpayers?

    FYI: The Egidi Group owns 4601 N. Sheridan.

    It wouldn't be the first time the Egidi's have used our money for their benefit.

  3. While I know Jazz Age Chicago tends to be pretty accurate, I wonder where they got the information about the Sheridan Plaza Hotel being a national landmark. I don't see it referenced as a landmark anywhere else, and from what I can find it doesn't appear on any list of national landmarks or Chicago landmarks. Could it have gotten landmark status in 1980, and then lost it later? Does anyone know?


    Sheridan Plaza Hotel ** (added 1980 - Building - #80001350)
    4601--4613 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago

  5. tsomh,

    Thanks for the link. So, it's on the National Register of Historic Places, not actually a National Landmark or National Historic Site, which are the lists I checked. That actually makes more sense. Unfortunately, that doesn't offer it much protection, but it does provide tax/financial incentives.

  6. I would love to see this building restored. It's yet another one of Uptown's unique architectural treasures that should be brought back to life!
