Thursday, July 10, 2008

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Who needs extra security cameras to curb crime? We guess it all depends on how you define "curb crime."
Mayor Daley is proposing putting cameras on street cleaners. Read all about it at the Chicago Tribune here.


  1. what if they used these cameras to find stolen cars- then at least they could spin it as a benefit to the community... nah that would require some concern.

  2. Actually, the new police vehicle that drives down streets recording license plate numbers deals with any plate in the system, whether it be a car that's eligible for booting, a stolen car, etc.

  3. Is it a police vehicle?

    I think you're referring to the Department of Revenue vans. Those were creepy when I first saw them, but as I read about their technology I gravitated over to the favorability side. They're still creepy in that they take a snapshot of EVERY license plate.
