Friday, July 11, 2008

Contaminated Dirt Trucked Away

We welcome a new blog to Uptown's roster, Uptown Reconciliation, by "The Soul of Murray Humphries." TSoMH expects to post four to five times a week on a regular basis.

Today's post is a doozie -- Now Departing Uptown: Dirt, Lead and Arsenic, about the 18 dump trucks seen taking contaminated earth from Wilson Yard early this morning. Check it out!


  1. well alright! i have the new blog as a favorite....can't get enough of Uptown!

  2. TSoMH gets his own freeeeeekin blog?

    Whats next? Saskia gets her own advice column?

    Come on, we all know Uptown_Dad is the glue that holds UU together!

    Plus my Dad and beat up his Dad!

    I challenge TSoMH to a duel!

  3. Saskia should have an advice column. Maybe her own online correspondence course in sociopolitical issues in the urban setting. You go, sister!

  4. Wow, sugar magnolia. All I can say is that I am truly flattered that some of my comments have resonated. Thank you. :)
