Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Work Begins On Crumbling Lawrence Bridge At LSD

Look out below! A reader sent in a pic showing workers starting to repair the crumbling Lawrence Avenue viaduct at Lake Shore Drive today.


  1. Notice that the crew is from the City's Transportation Dept., not the State. This must be an emergency fix. It looks like they are building wooden forms to catch falling debris.

    By the way, has anyone noticed that the 46th Ward portion of LSD is the only stretch on the entire roadway which hasn't had repairs done.

    Not blaming Shiller, but if she burns political bridges the same as she burns bridges with her constituents, there are probably politicians waiting in line to help see her get what's coming to her.

  2. From Business Partners' May e-gram:

    The left traffic lanes in each direction on Lawrence under Lake Shore Drive will be closed on June 9 to 13 daily from 9:30a to 2:30p. The Department of Transportation will be installing shoring tower pads for the bridge. A traffic lane in each direction will be maintained in the work zone.

  3. She doesn't need to burn any bridges. They will all crumble to the ground when the potholes start connecting, figuratively or literally.
