Monday, June 2, 2008

Wilson Yard Ground-Breaking On June 1st

Shhh! If you're very, very quiet, and wish very, very hard, you can almost see them!

"Construction is scheduled to start by June 1." - Peter Holsten

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." - Jules de Gaultier

"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg." - Abraham Lincoln


  1. I think I can hear the rumble of the back-hoes!

    this post is the modern-day successor the the Tribune's "Injun Summer"

    hang on to it - it may come in handy next June

  2. when i first looked at the picture as it came up on my screen, i thought it was real!

    of course, it's still just a dream that gets sillier with each passing,, year.

  3. You should have the counter going, but in negative numbers. Let's see how long before anything actually DOES happen.

  4. I think there should be a clock ticking that counts up. That way we can keep track of how long it takes to get an explanation / excuse for why there has been another delay in the rock solid planning that has been used in this “Community Project”.

  5. I think once I move out of the neighborhood something will happen at the Yards. I lived the same distance from the empty CTA lot at Clark and Schubert that I do from Wilson Yards and when I moved, they built the senior housing, condos and the Best Buy. Sorry but I don't think I'm moving until next year.

  6. I think everyone should just chill who cares it's a done deal no matter what.

    WY will happen so why waste the energy bashing Holstein on when he moves more dirt.

  7. Oh, it's a done deal? Then why hasn't anything been built - besides Aldi? I think people have the right to question since it is OUR tax money funding this nightmare.

  8. I think we should file suit claiming misuse of public funds...

  9. Anon 3:47 PM --

    Please list all of Helen's "done deals" that have been accomplished.


  10. Hugh, I'm afraid that sound you're hearing might be a completely different type of hoe.

    *cue Al Sharpton and the Irish Pirate*

    Again I say, better a stagnant lot than a Cabrini Green redux.

  11. File suit see how far that gets you, the Mayor has signed off on it and it will be built.

    It will be a nice building and as a condo owner I have happy to have nice housing for hard working people that work in the service industry.

    Plus Mayor Daley has signed off on it so it will get built.

  12. anon 4:29
    Condo owner my a$&. "nice housing for hard working people that work in the service industry."

    You're joking right??? You must work in the alderman's office.

  13. I'm confused Anonymous 4:29pm...did Daley sign off on it?

  14. I've heard Daley has signed off on it. Therefore, it will be built.

  15. Condo owner my a$&. "nice housing for hard working people that work in the service industry."

    Yes I own a condo or I have a mortgage.

  16. And looking at a bare lot where Wilson Yard business redevelopment construction already should exist Alderman Helen Shiller says, "That's not my reality."

  17. It will be a nice building and as a condo owner I have happy to have nice housing for hard working people that work in the service industry.

    Plus Mayor Daley has signed off on it so it will get built.
    Anon 4:29

    First of all, the housing is so poorly planned that it doesn't even meet CHA's and HUD's criteria for sensible affordable housing. It is 100% low income, with most of the residents in the extremely low and very low income level.

    Secondly, Mayor Daley hasn't signed off on anything. Show us proof. It's all kept confidential from the people who are paying for it; the tax payers. Using FOIA hasn't been successful either because the supposed "Target" letter of intent is in draft form and drafts cannot be obtained using FOIA; pretty convenient I might add.

    I hope you don't support planning that has backroom deals, hidden agendas, and timelines that people knowingly make up with no thought as to be grounded in reality. If you do, it says more about you than Helen or Peter Holsten.

  18. wasn't there a gas station on that corner at some point? and with the service yard, who knows... maybe there were some underground storage tanks, and they've got to wait for the next ice age for the soil samples to come back, and for the soil replacement to begin. natural process of erosion! save some money, let a glacier do the work, and then build a target! oh, and the flyers are a joke too! any business owners get one yet stating how alive this neighborhood is?
