Friday, May 30, 2008

Rally Publicity

The Uptown Anti-Crime Rally is just eight days away. Let's make sure there's a huge turnout of Uptown residents to get the message across that we're sick and tired of all the gunfire, gang warfare and violence -- and now murder -- that have plagued our streets this year.

Please spread the word. If you want to use one of the four flyers which have been posted on Uptown Update, they're all posted here, both in .jpg format (for email and web posting) and in .pdf format (for printing out).

If you have more flyers you've designed and would like added to the page, please send them to

We'd also like to add posters that people can print out and display at the rally. Please send us yours!


  1. Thanks so much for making it so easy to download these posters. I will post one in my building and pass them out to neighbors on my street.

  2. Ald Shiller, please post this on your window. I dropped one off yesterday. Show that you care about the crime in your ward and as some who live in Uptown herself.

  3. I'd prefer a pro-vigilante rally.

    There's only one way to take back the streets. And that's by taking back the streets.

  4. Funny that we're protesting violence on the streets of Uptown around the same time the "Dillinger" movie is filming.

  5. Is the Alderman and her staff planning to attend the rally with their neighbors? Since they have to work that morning anyways I hope they can step outside and explain all of the details of their "daily" conversations with the area commander. I am sure that since they have had more than a week since the murder across the street they have many details of what the investigation has found.

  6. Just what is a rally going to accomplish is my question?

  7. Makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.

  8. 3:01 - At the very least, it will demonstrate that some of us care enough about our neighborhood to protest the silence [regarding the violence] of our elected official.

    Anything more would be a bonus.

    What do you hope to accomplish?

  9. I think it will just visibly get people out on the street talking to each other and together taking a stand that none of us accepts the loss of innocent life.

  10. FOR THOSE THAT GO TO CHURCH on Sunday, if you could share with your respective congregations about the Anti-Crime Rally, that would be great! Handing out flyers after service would be ideal!

  11. I just came across this... I hope someone invited them to the rally

    News-Star is coming to da hood

    News-Star wants to invite itself to your neighborhood block club party, ice cream social, neighborhood fest and farmers' market this summer. In our continuing quest to return News-Star to its Lerner-neighborhood roots, we'll be giving out some swell swag like bubbles that your kids can spill all over the dining room table, and News-Star emblazoned plastic cups to knock around your dishwasher. (News-Star finds that such cups are excellent for rinsing off dogs after giving them a bath.)

    We'll also be giving away free papers and trial subscriptions. As always, at least always lately, the News-Star is jam-packed with local news that you won't find in those cheap, major daily imitators that just pretend they know what's going on in your neighborhood.

    So, don't make us come after you (although we will be reaching out to community organizations in the coming summer months). Let our circulation coordinator, Alan Majeski, formerly of J.C. Alberto's Pizza on Morse Avenue, know when your fun summer event is coming up. News-Star is going to visit as many neighborhood functions as we can, even at $4 per gallon of gas. You can contact Alan at (708) 613-6308 or by e-mail at

    News-Star is also interested in sponsoring some community events, so give us a call and we'll talk.

  12. call me crazy, but I don't know if a rally will bring positive or negative attention. I think there should be a straight up loitering event in front of her office. just like the gang bangers do all over the neighborhood. See how fast she calls the cops when there's 50 or 100 law abiding citizens on her doorstep just hanging out.

  13. Lets get this to the top...
