Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LSD From Irving Park To Foster Slated For Repairs

By Monique Garcia - Tribune Reporter

The pothole-ridden section of North Lake Shore Drive from Irving Park Road to Foster Avenue will undergo resurfacing this summer, transportation officials said Wednesday.

The Illinois Department of Transportation has set aside $4.5 million for the much-needed project, according to a news release.

"This is very good news," said Brian Steele, spokesman for the Chicago Department of Transportation. "We have been working with the state for about a year to secure funds for this area, and we are glad work can soon begin." Continue Reading


  1. Attention from the city North of Irving Park. Are we now part of Chicago? It must have the smoke signals from behind Shiller office that caused the city to explore north and see if any life form were living up here. Shiller inveted fire, but it was only to light a Kool cig.

  2. Two thoughts:

    1 - FINALLY!

    and, 2 - Wow.

    I totally didn't expect this. Is it Christmas or something?

    A bit off topic, but I wonder what effect UU is having in some of the uptick in positive energy around these parts.

    200,000+ hits (and it wasn't that long ago that we were celebrating 100k hits) ... someone is definitely paying attention.

    Thanks, UU.

  3. As I was running by LSD, I couldn't keep but laugh as a heard car after car smash into the same pot hole.

    When is the new path going to be finshed?

  4. Wow this is from the Tribune. Do they realize they just kind of did an article on Uptown. Like the Mayor and unlike the Sun-Times, they do not know of a place called Uptown. They should as it is rich with TIF abuse, 1970 style Urban planning and an Alderman who fights to stop bird feeding vs. saftey in Uptown. So much to write about, yet I think they are fightened to visit such a place as they just read the Sun-times and then report. Trib is lame when you kind of live in Chicago, accourding to the Mayor. I would like to get sense of how many people in Uptown would vote for the Mayor/mob boss next time around. I think he might what to pay closer attention to our same lil hood

  5. Well, to answer your question anon 4:51, I would absolutely 100% NOT vote for Mayor Daley. And, I am a highly educated & very high net-worth person.

    I consider myself a liberal democrat and I am appalled by what is happening in Chicago. This city is as racially and socio-economically polarized as it has ever been. There is one Chicago for people who are "in" with the machine and another Chicago for everyone else. That is not democracy and we need a pan-ethnic, pan-socio-economic movement to put an end to what is passing for democracy around here. Daley wants to criticize George Bush but I don't see his leadership style much differently. I can't believe that anyone believes that we can bring democracy to Iraq when we can't even allow it to flourish in one of our nation's major cities.

  6. Wait. Don't get too excited. We did get screwed again. And the message has finally reached local reporters.

    The operative word in the Chicago Dept of Transportation Press Release is REPAIR (called REHAB). That means, patch, patch, patch, folks.

    The reason the section of LSD from Hollywood to Irving Park has such bad pot holes is because this section of LSD needs to be REPLACED (called RECONSTRUCTION) - all the way down to the ground beneath the pavement (called the sub-base). This badly needed LSD reconstruction project, which was on the funding table, has been delayed again - just like the Wilson and Lawrence LSD bridge REPLACEMENTS.

    Fingers point to our legislators, who need to pass a capital bill. Hear that Sara Feigenholtz, Greg Harris, Harry Osterman? Hear that John Cullerton & Carol Ronen - now , Heather Steans? What have you been doing as LSD has deteriorated over the years to this terrible condition?

    As the WTTW reporter points out, the weather was just as bad on South LSD but because of proper maintenance over the years, that end of the Drive did not turn into a pot hole landmine.

    On the video the IDOT expert predicts an exponentially worse pot hole season on this stretch of LSD next year.

    Listen to the discussion of this LSD reconstruction DELAY at WTTW's website in the archived video clips.

    Rocky Roads: Construction Season in Full Swing, April 15, 2008 by Elizabeth Brackett.

    The clip is 13 minutes long. For the impatient, the main Uptown LSD discussion is between minutes 5:10-9:48.,8,1&pl=New%20Video

  7. More on the whole infrastructure/ capital improvements at the regional planning agency's blog

    let's tell them how we feel about Uptown getting the short end of too many sticks.
