Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Body Found In Montrose Harbor

From "Chicago Uptown Crime Blotter"
At 8:07 a citizen who was fishing at Montrose Harbor flagged down a patrol officer and reported that he thought he saw the body of a person floating just off the Montrose Harbor concrete. At approximately 8:11 the Officer confirmed that it was indeed a floater in the water. The Marine unit was called and fire department is on the way they said that this is protocol for this type of situation. The detectives bureau was notified. Fire department has just hooked onto the body but was asked to not get involved and release the body as it could be a possible homicide and if so they do not want to CFD to contaminate the crime scene.

The scene is approximately 50 yards south of the bird sanctuary.

Police have closed off the road at the Bait shop. They mentioned that the media may attempt to get there on foot and are to be kept far from the scene. The Detectives do not want anyone near the scene, police have been advised to start moving the fisherman back to their cars, and asking them to find another place to fish this evening.

UPDATE 4/9 A.M.: The media are saying the body is that of a white male in his 40s or 50s, fully clothed, and who's been in the water a while. Detectives are investigating, but right now the death is considered non-criminal.

UPDATE 4/9 P.M.: Now the Trib is reporting this as a homicide, as the victim was shot in the head. See our later post: Another Uptown Murder?

1 comment:

  1. the Tribune says he was shot in the head:
