Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What's Up In Uptown

From Uptown Neighborhood Council (UNC) E-News:

Save the Date
What's Up –– Uptown?
Wednesday, March 19
7 PM
The Kinetic Playground–1113 W. Lawrence

Good things are coming to Uptown! Come on over to The Kinetic Playground on March 19 to hear about the newest bars, buildings and retailers in the works for Uptown. Socialize with your neighbors and meet the business owners who are excited and dedicated to making Uptown a thriving place to street and building at a time.

New high-rises, movie theaters, retail and more. Plus a whole new look for one of Uptown's major streets.

More information to come next week Please forward this info to your neighbors.


  1. Shiller Please stop this positive movement for the Uptown area. If things like this continue, the streets may be a bit safer, people will not have to leave the trash of Uptwon to shop outside the area, and actually eat dinner in Uptown. Please take this one person e-mail and use it as your the People of Uptwon have spoke and they do not want safe sreets and retail here. What can your son make up to stop such a movement. Thank you - I want to be able to spit and sleep in front of a quit empty store front and not have people giving addtioanl tax dollars to the area. That is why we have you to give all the money to wasted efforts to help me.

  2. that business is not in her ward. i think it's in mary ann smith's ward if i'm not mistaken??

  3. 1113 W. Lawrence is in the 46th ward, per

  4. Tech Tip: What Ward? 101

    "What ward is it in?" is a question that comes up freqeuntly on this blog - and for good reason. The Ward maps provided by the Chicago municipal web site stink.

    Going to the Chicago Board of Elections website (which is not linked on the City website) is the best means to find the Ward associated with an address:

    Step 1:
    Step 2: Select Voters
    Step 3: Select Find your Voting Place
    Step 4: Enter the street address
    (Name box can be left empty)
    Step 5: Press Lookup.

    Viola! It's in the 46th Ward.

    Age has its rewards.

  5. Oh sure local h, in the 5 minutes it took me to compose my long winded explanation you snuck in with the short version of the answer! Or it could be my slow, aging mind after all.

  6. I think what's interesting though is what are we really going to talk about? It's at Kinectic Playground (46th) ward, but what area is UNC talking about new restaurants, etc... if it's the Border's thru Fat Cat area, that is Mary Ann Smith's ward. so while it's close, and still benefits us, are we (the 46th) ward getting new restaurants, etc? Just curious...

  7. Umm, where does it talk about 46th ward? Unless I read the post wrong, it talks about Uptown, not the 46th ward.
