Monday, March 31, 2008

Cure For Insomnia

Can someone please tell us what she was talking about?


  1. I'm not even sure Ms. Shiller could tell you what she was talking about there...

  2. Poor Gene and Mary Ann look like they'd rather have forks jabbed in their eyes than listen to her incohesive babble.

  3. My sentiments exactly. Don't you wish you were a fly on the wall when Gene and Mary Ann discuss the alderman that borders their wards.

    On a deeper level, when you hear this kind of discomboomerated garble coming out of her mouth, you truly wonder about Chicago's elected officials and how they ever got elected.

  4. Apparently you've never heard Ald. Mary Ann Smith get up and speak at Council. It makes my skin crawl even worse.

  5. 7:22am- What makes Mary Ann Smith worse? I don't know much about her.

  6. I didn't mean to imply that Mary Ann Smith was a worse overall Alderman. What I do mean is that I can't stand to hear her get up and babble at Council. Something about the way she talks just comes out so wrong. I almost want to say that she sounds condecending without realizing it. Again on the whole she's a nice enough woman and she loves elephants but I don't care for her public speaking skills.

  7. How did Chicago ever get saddled with this out of touch aldermanic system? Is there a job description for alderman?

    City Council meetings are filled with the most mundane issues and pontificating folks that one wonders how anything gets done in this city.

    Any chance we might someday see Chicago's politicians and insider processes actually be replaced by a more efficient, community focused way of doing things?

  8. Don't be so sure of yourself. Chicago really is the "City that Works". Sure not everything is on the up and up all the time and a few people get greased here and there but I wouldn't trade Chicago's system for any of the other large cities.

    The best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship..... Richie isn't exactly benevolent but he's not the worst :)

  9. We need to start You-Tubing the City Clerk's broadcasts of the City Council meetings to get the choicest parts on this blog.

    I'd love to see more of Shiller's rants. And of course her endless excuses for not voing. I think she's about worn out the Constitutionality excuse by now, her having a law degree and being on the Supreme Court and all.

  10. "Spend an hour or so listening to Helen Shiller talk in her 46th Ward office in the heart of Uptown and it is easy to come away believing that she is not only a world-class conversationalist but as much philosopher as politician."

    Hey, don't blame me. This is a quote from the Tribune's ass-kiss puff-piece series by Reporters Patrick Reardon and Rick Kogan. And they say bloggers don't do much research......

  11. "world-class much philosopher as politician."

    Someone actually wrote that? With a straight face? And not copying off the homework of the reporter sitting next to them??? And not on a dare? LOL!

  12. Little did they know that second hand smoke from Smoke Dreams was wafting in from next door, or perhaps the back room.

  13. And the Beatles are prophets and the "Helter Skelter" song off their White Album is an instruction to start the Black-White Race war.

    Hey, we may be on to something here. If you see her with any red X's carved on her forehead she's really removed herself from our reality this time.
