Saturday, February 16, 2008

Zoning Change Proposal At 4557 Sheridan

This zoning change proposal will be heard February 26 in addition to the zoning change proposals on Broadway from Leland to Wilson, and the open lot next to McDonald's on Wilson.


  1. What does this latest zoning change at 4557 Sheridan pertain to?

  2. This is the address of new El Pollo Locco...

  3. I wonder why Pollo Loco would need a zoning change for the same location another fast food restaurant previously occupied?

  4. again, the existing & proposed zonings here are both B3, so it's no major change in allowed uses

    like the recent Broadway, Leland to Wilson rezoning, this is density decrease, from dash 5 to dash 3

    the number after the dash is the "throttle" if you will on neighborhood development, it is our legal method for encourage/discouraging development, heating/cooling a site

    dash 5 requires 200 square feet of land area for each residential unit

    dash 3 requires 400 square feet of land area for each residential unit

    so Shiller is reducing the number of luxury condos a developer could build by 50%

    and like those other recent zoning changes, the A- prefix in the application number serves notice to fellow aldermen that this zoning change originates with the aldermen, so her colleagues don't do anything silly like ask questions

    these alderman-originated down-zonings can be puzzling, but if someone twists my arm I might be coaxed into offering an informed speculation as to the why



    the density decrease makes the properties less valuable

    the zoning change may be in response to the alderman hearing some preliminary feelers from developers

    the alderman is deliberately putting the breaks on what can be done here

    the down-zoning is the alderman's way of telling developers, if you are interested, stop by my office, and bring your checkbook

    it is Shiller forcing developers to come to the table

    if you are a kool-aid drinker, it is to corral developers through Shiller's "community" process, such as it is, or perhaps Shiller acting to prevent the so-called "canyon" effect on Broadway

    also recall our City's affordable housing set-aside ordinance kicks in when a developer asks the City for a zoning change. If a developer can do what they want by rights then there will be no set-asides. An unintended consequence of our affordable housing policy is that bleeding heart liberal aldermen run around down-zoning and stifling free-market development

  5. this may be a chicken shack today but that is hardly this location's manifest destiny

    a few blocks north of here on the lake side of Sheridan, high-rise projects of a hundred-plus units are being proposed & approved
