It's amazing what you can find online nowadays. Check out the "
Desman Associates" website for more info. We aren't sure why these aren't front page on the 46th Ward website yet. The only major changes we see is the entrance to Target that is now rounded. We love how the former entrance to Aldi is now bricked over in the updated rendering.
These have been on the architect's website for a long time now.
ReplyDeleteWell then, its news to us and many others. The Alderman's website has the old rendering and info and we can't even find a rendering on Holsten's website. If you know of another link, please post it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm just way too jaded and depressed, but the second picture with the big Target signage on the corner makes me feel oddly better.
ReplyDeleteSo long as the Target has ample parking, I would think that it would have to be a much more preferable location for buena park, lakeview, andersonville residents than the elston/logan store. And the introduction of all those shoppers who are coming to the neighborhood to buy goods and not cause any harm can only be a good thing right?
I know I'm grasping at straws here, but please someone tell me there's some truth to this hope!
Thinking about all the traffic and congestion on streets that werent designed for it doesnt make me feel good at all.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen what Montrose looks like on a regular summer afternoon? You can walk down it faster than you can drive.
Those of us who live right around the Yard will have a heck of a time getting up and down our alleys and streets.
For a TIF that was supposed to create a viable business district I see alot more housing being built on the TIF land than businesses.
ReplyDeleteIf there are any viable options left for fighting the current configuration of housing at the site, I'm all for it.
ReplyDeleteSadly though, I think that it may be a done deal.
From all I've read online, Peter Holsten seems like a somewhat honest broker. I think a smart approach would be for residents who live near the site to approach him and try to come up with ways to more effectively manage the housing that is about to come our way. With enough community involvement - REAL community involvement - I think we could help shape the safety profile of the housing.
Or maybe that's still more wishful thinking on my part. Who knows. But engaging Holsten seems like a FAR better bet than engaging Schiller.
Holsten isn't honest. He's right with Helen and lying to the public, saying the housing is for people earning upwards to $50,000 a year. He might be able to convince the press of this, but it flies in the face of what he reported to the IHDA.
ReplyDeleteJust because there is a picture of a Target in the rendering does not mean Target is coming. If they put godzilla in the rendering, would you believe that was coming too? Construction for "Target" is supposed to be starting early 08, yet no one, not the Trib, not the Sun Times, nobody can get a straight answer. The reason: Target is not coming.
ReplyDeleteTunney gets Robbed.
ReplyDeleteBest part of the story. He doesn't carry money around.
Won't it be terrible if the front entrance ends up in the back, just like it did with Aldi?
ReplyDeleteThe design will most likely be like the one on Peterson--parking below, store above.
ReplyDeleteWhen is the ceremonial groundbreaking?
ReplyDeletewell Peter H. said if Target will not put a sign "Target coming soon" he willput up his own. this when he was asked why a sign has not been placed there. He stated that he also found that strange. This from the guy who is running the project, sorry the guy behind shiller running the project. so I suspect it will be during some random morning hour during the week with his hand written sign. Maybe the kids from the school will do some creative sign. You know like the ones that are still being "worked" on for Aldi. This is such a joke - No Target is coming
ReplyDeleteTarget is coming. Corporate is now refering to "Target at Wilson Yard" in corporate meetings. It's coming. Not sure why more info hasn't come out from other sources that is more "solid" but it's true. it's coming. Timeframe to open mid-end of 2009.
ReplyDeleteHas there been any word on what Shiller is wearing to the grand opening? Anybody heard what designers have been consulted by the Alderman for the event? I can't wait to see what her hair looks like!!!
ReplyDeleteAre people here generally FOR Target coming or AGAINST Target coming? Personally, I think there are better uses to the land but Target is 1000% better than what's there now.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that I've got strong feelings about Target either way, but I do have highly developed suspicions about ANYTHING having to do with Wilson Yard.
ReplyDeleteFrom hearing the housing will be mixed-income, including market rate condos ... to hearing that the housing can't be possibly be there without the theatres ... to seeing the housing go from Stage III to Stage II with no notice ... to being refused FOIA information about the very low price the bankrupt CTA sold the land for ... to seeing the price of the project soar by millions and millions of dollars ... to Target refusing to confirm that it's building a store there (or not) ... to Shiller and Holsten's doubletalk about whether there'll be drug testing for residents....
Well, let's just say the whole thing smells worse that a week-old alewife.
I believe NOTHING that comes out of Holsten's or Shiller's offices about this. Because all we've been fed is a bunch of bullshit, and I don't see it ending until Shiller Towers at Wilson Yard are a reality.
Whoever has access to the 2500 signature Wilson Yard petition should print that up and FedEx it to Target headquarters in Minneapolis.
ReplyDeletePut them all in one big box and send them to the person in charge of this project.
That might make them take notice a bit. Then, if there is no satisfactory result from Target, start a boycott and call the media.
you people are a mess
ReplyDeleteit's a done deal you are too late
That's a fantastic idea about printing the 2500 signatures and sending it to Target's headquarters! Can someone let us know if this actually gets done?
ReplyDeleteTarget doesn't care what any petition says or what you think.
ReplyDeleteNeither does Shiller, Holstein or Daley.
You people are too poor, too little for anyone to care.
Now shovel your sidewalk so public drinking can go un-interupted.
No, no, no.
ReplyDeleteYou're confused.
We're the rich and powerful yuppies who are ruining Uptown through gentrification, Caucasianosity and tax dollars.
We are the bad apples.
Helen Shiller represents "the people too poor, too little for anyone to care."
She protects them FROM us.
Try to keep it straight from now on, 'kay?
Helen has always followed the Saul Alinsky organization methods: i.e. there has to be an enemy to rally the troops around. So, like it or not, she will continue to play the racial divide, the have-have not divide, the immigrant vs. U.S. born divide, the law enforcement vs. law victim divide, gay vs. straight divide, etc. because fostering hatred between these groups keeps her in power. She can never allow assimilation, mixed housing, CAPS, or cross-community cooperation to succeed because talk between these groups would reveal her lies. Up until now she has been able to tell each "victim" group that she supports them even though she is doing things behind their backs to support other groups that contradicts that supposed support. She has even worked to undermine them to keep them down and in her control. Evil chick - but that is the Saul Alinsky method.
ReplyDeleteWhich is exactly what a ham-handed socialist society looks like.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the world of a modern liberal government.
No, you're wrong about "modern liberal government". Shiller is pure old-school liberal--straight out of 1968!