Wednesday, November 28, 2007

FYI If You Use The Wilson El...

Seen today outside the Wilson El entrance on Wilson.


  1. I have to say I'm not too excited about this. I live South and West of the station so it's nice to enter there instead of walking around the wretched corner. Better than no station at all.

  2. All the L stops require people to go through a turnstyle on the first floor, and that stops some of the problems commonly seen at the Wilson L. The design of the Wilson L actually promotes illegal behavior with the turnstyle located in the middle of a stairwell for the main entrance, which is probably why it has an exceptionally high number of arrests at this stop. Last time I checked, there were more arrests at this one L stop than all L stops combined on the Northside for both the Red Line and Brown Lines.

    I'm not an urban planner, but I like what was done at the other L stations.... the ticket booth is on the first floor and a number of them have cameras. There's a small store that's opened to the area where people can buy items, and the store clerks are quick to call 911 when needed, which sends a message to everyone that it's not the place to commit a crime. Our Wilson L main entrance has become a warming center in the winter.

    It's crazy that the current temporary entrance to the Belmont Station is miles better than the permanent entrance to the Wilson L. With a small budget, there are a few things that can be done to make the Wilson L much safer and feel safer as well, which is just as important.

  3. I never thought about the Broadway entrance in that way before, but damn if that isn't a perfect spot for all sorts of illegal activity at, say, four in the morning. Depressing.

  4. It's that way because "someone" wants it to be a warming center.

    When you think about it, the L stop gives the first impression to people coming into an area. It's like coming into your front door... you want to give a good first impression. When someone arrives to Uptown at the Wilson L, their first impression is often one that evokes fear. It's no coincidence that we can't get vibrant and diverse retail on the 4600 block of N. Broadway. It should appear inviting and safe. When that occurs, vibrant and diverse retail will come.

  5. IS there really any realistic chance that the Wilson El will be worked on in the next two years? I spoke to a CTA representative who told me that they are just beginning the two year southbound phase of the Red Line Fullterton-Belmont rehab. Won't Wilson be after that project?

  6. What exactly are "CTA forces"? Are they a paramilitary group now? :)
