Wednesday, July 18, 2007

'Deep Thought' of the Day

Courtesy of a resident of the "Wilson Club Hotel" as seen from the El platform. Sent in by an "Updater."


  1. Who knew such wry language-focused humor could come from an SRO?

    And just to be clear, I completely agree with the guy's sentiment. I actually used the word today, as in "that's awesome!" when I should have simply said "thank you" to someone, and felt like a complete schmuck afterwards!

  2. Better than seeing a couple of punk 10 year old kids peeing on the Aldi's Shopping carts while I was going through a Red Line - slow zone period.

    BLOGNOTES: Something to think about next time you use one of those carts.

  3. Damn it Craig!
    Get a picture next time.

  4. I don't know if the Uptown Updater can verify or not - I had a post prior to the above post.

    It had those hyperlinks to attach to the story to a story. But I had typo's in it when I re-read the post - and wanted to correct it.

    But I forgot to remake another hyper-link for proper credit. My bad.

    But wait, it gets better. Then the original blogger got seriously bent out of shape about the comment here and blogged about the story.

    To the to the original blogger who had actually seen this peeing in action in uptown, and to the site owner and Uptown Update readers who thought it was me who saw this, so sorry.

    My apologies.

  5. Yea Craig, I recall seeing a hyperlink there but deleted it when I figured it was a typo and didn't link to anything. Repost whatever you need to. Where is the blog about shopping carts? Inquiring minds want to know.

  6. Our apologies to Marcy Sperry and "Thank You For Your Submission" for this misunderstanding. Craig did try to give credit where credit is due for your blog. That we can assure you. We encourage our readers to click the "Hyperlink" in Craigs post above and check out Marcy's blog as well.

  7. Why don't you link Craig's blast against Marcy? He's the one bent out of shape.

  8. Like a dog that has to stick his nose in everybodys pee, that's Toto. The Edgewater neighborhood busy body.
