Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Your Tuesday Chuckle

Click Here and scroll down to "List Items to be Sold."


  1. there is disunity in hs world of unity - how many port a potties will there be or will one of the games be see how far you pee
    hs is such a fraud

  2. It's only a couple hours long and the flyer said absolutely no alcohol can be sold there. Just hold it for goodness sake! Jeesh!

  3. Uh, Shiller's website says it's from 10am to 5pm which I think means more than two hours.

  4. I went last year and Kumba Lynx gave graffiti lessons to the little kids. Spray paint and all.

  5. Hopefully they will have a used shopping cart vendor.

  6. Actually, I went to it a few years ago and ran into quite a few of my neighbors. While it wasn't the best neighborhood festival I've been to by a long shot, it wasn't half-bad.
