Thursday, May 31, 2007

"Just Tires" Lot at Lawrence and Broadway Reportedly Sold

A "little updater" informed us of the sale of the "Just Tires" auto repair shop at Broadway and Lawrence. We are awaiting word of what we can expect to take its place. As soon as we get word from Mary Ann Smith's office, we will pass it along.
Looks like this stretch of Broadway is up for even MORE changes. Stay tuned.


  1. I hate to see Just Tires go. They've always been handy and helpful.

    With more and more development in the 48th Ward right on the edge of the 46th, it's gonna soon look like the international border between Mexico and the U.S. Hovels and poverty on one side, development and commerce on the other.

  2. I thought I heard Trader Joes was building a store behind Just Tires, next to the L Tracks.
