Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Claus Is Coming To (Up)Town (Keep Your Eyes Open)

From a special correspondent--

"Santa here,

Uptown has a fresh layer of snow, some nice Santa-approved-reindeer-friendly chilly air and it IS beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The only thing missing is a little holiday fun.

The elves and I had a conference call with the Easter Bunny a few nights back (standard magical holiday icon business) and good ol' Mr Bunny gave us a great idea: return to your roots, Santa.

That, of course, meant: stockings.

Mr Bunny then added with a wink, "Hide them around Uptown."  And that's exactly what we're going to be doing: hiding stockings around Uptown.

Some of these stockings, sad to say, might be empty.

Santa's seen a lot of naughtiness this past year (you all have heard the song... you do know that I'm watching, right?).  Santa simply cannot tolerate naughtiness. Especially when I have to send the elves out to remove gang tags from the side door of the workshop.

Some of these stockings, happy to say!, will contain gift cards! Santa's seen a lot of wonderful, good-hearted people around these parts, and Santa wants to reward them with a little holiday boost.

So, while you're out and about over the next few days - keep a close eye out for mini-stockings. They can pop up anywhere, at any time!

Closing note: if you happen across a gift card stocking and think that someone may need a little holiday boost more than you do, remember: this is the season of giving.

Santa out!"

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully that guy who stole the Christmas wreath won't come across these...
