Friday, June 14, 2024

Future Pan-Asian Food Hall On Broadway Gets $2 Million Grant From City

Rendering courtesy of

Current view of 4833 N. Broadway (courtesy Google Maps)

Some time ago we got an unsourced tip about a food court hall opening in Uptown [thanks for the correction Reader DT], but we heard nothing further. We were quite surprised to see that the rumor is in fact true, and it appears a cool new food hall is about to get started at 4833 N. Broadway (next to Silver Seafood, in the building that housed Sunlight Nail Supply for quite some time).

On Thursday, Mayor Johnson announced that $1.98 million in Community Development Grant money was awarded to help make the project a reality.

"The Uptown Food Exchange project stands as a transformative initiative poised to rejuvenate the Uptown neighborhood while honoring the authentic culinary heritage of the Asian community.  

The project’s core focus revolves around establishing a vibrant food market, showcasing an array of food stalls representing diverse Asian countries and heritages including Thai, Vietnamese, Burmese, Laotian. 

The development will serve as a crucial bridge, strategically connecting Uptown’s Asia on Argyle corridor with the Uptown Entertainment district, aligning with the vision of community leaders and fulfilling a longstanding need of a more connected Uptown. 

The proposed design reinvigorates a vacant two-story commercial building situated at the heart of the Uptown Entertainment District. The distinct architectural approach not only pays homage to its Asian heritage but also serves as a cultural bridge connecting the Uptown Entertainment District and Asia on Argyle."
We hear at least one, and possibly up to three, owner/operators of longstanding and critically acclaimed Chicago Thai restaurants are behind this new project, and this is not the first foray into pan-Asian food for the owner(s). More details are still coming in and we will update as we learn more. Sounds like the founder of Chicago's Strange Foods Festival and proprietor of the Strange Foods Instagram account is also involved (h/t Reader BV).  

Additional renderings are below.





We are so excited to see this happen! We'll follow its progress and keep you informed.


  1. Awesome! Now, if we could only save the Uptown Theater as well that would be amazing for Uptown.

    1. I'd also love the Uptown theater restored! I'd love to see them develop it into a Movie theather since the nearest is WrigleyVille/Southport. Probably not much Concert market with the Rivera and Aragain

    2. It'll take a good $100 million at a minimum, and an owner who's willing to get investors to do it. Hell, I'm still waiting for the Riviera scrim to be replaced with original stone, as we were promised over a decade ago. I fear nothing will happen with JAM as the owner of the theatre.

  2. Yes save the Uptown theater.

  3. I went to a concert at the Uptown in 1979. Since then, its been an empty hulk. Restoring the Uptown is no closer to being renewed than it was 20 years ago. Time to let it go.

    1. Well Jam Production owns it now and have finally finished the roof. They were starting on the interior before the 3 major investors pulled out cause of covid. That being said there is still progress and we'll hopefully see it soon.

  4. Yes DO NOT save the Uptown. Tear it down and build apartments and businesses. Maybe a smallish nightclub on the bottom floor that would double as a smallish concert hall.
