Monday, May 13, 2024

CircEsteem Debuts Renovated Home At 4730 N. Sheridan

The newly renovated CircEsteem at 4730 N. Sheridan

We have been following the progress of the renovation at 4730 N. Sheridan, the home of CircEsteem and are happy to report the scaffolding has been removed to reveal the transformation!

You might recall that CircEsteem received a $5M Department of Planning & Development grant that helped pay for the renovation. The renovations restored the original look of the building, added street level windows and removed a dated bricolage that covered up much of the facade of the former Lakeside Theater Building. 

CircEsteem students now have more natural light to practice circus arts and passersby are able to see inside the beautiful space. 

Although it appears there are some finishing touches left to complete, it looks marvelous. Bravo CircEsteem!

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